Press Releases
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Anniversary of the Memorial of Rights
In the absence of a legitimate or lawful parlimentary government, we must stand.
The Crown of England vacated New Zealand a generation ago 1986 verified by Gregory Baughen, secretary to Governor General and Royal Regent to the then Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2020.
Protectorate: Memorial of Right 13 October 1975
To: Mauri, Mana Whenua, Tangata Whenua, Hapu, Pakeha, Tau Iwi and Friends;
We, the Crown of the Mauri Nation, the living ascendants, gathered in this time when a generation would rise enlightened & victorious, in the land of the first light and make this declaration from a united nation, by and for the sovereign people in the realm of New Zealand;
Our Mauri Native Tribes, sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation of Aotearoha, known as the realm of New Zealand, lands and all adjacent islands, seabed and foreshore, have vested powers and our own laws/lores, customs , traditions, values, tikanga and kawa, memorialised and living in the Memorial of Rights 1975 (Arohanui Dame Whina Cooper) following the constitutionally repugnant subjugation of the people, by the government, on our lands. This our ancestors recently did, according to the reckoning of our spirit, rights, culture and land from Creation, according to our lore/laws from ‘time immemorial’, which dictates our accountable governance in He Whakaputanga o te rangatiratanga o nu tireni 1835, Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840, Her Majesty’s Magna Carta, Memorial of Rights October 1975; and by action of High Court Foreshore and Seabed decision 2006. The Crown of the Mauri Nation is validated in the Treaty Mandate 1840, Letters Patent, Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment 13th November 2020, Final Orders 12th January 2021, Royal Charter & Treaty of Universal Charters Trust 2021 including (without limitation) the Vienna Convention 1961 on the Law of Treaties 1969 and the Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007 by which Her Majesty’s New Zealand Government has never rebutted and agreed to be bound;
We reign in perpetuity as the Crown of the Mauri Nation with our Royal Decree and Letters Patent 20 December 2020 which has never been rebutted by the New Zealand Parliament (Corporation), Prime Minister, Governor General or the Treasury entities. Final Orders were consented and accepted by equitable estoppel by acquiescence; which extends the provisions of our actions to provide for the Administration of Justice and Lore/Law in Aotearoha, known as the realm of New Zealand and for the more effectual Te Whare Runanga[Governance] thereof and for other purposes enacted from time to time issued under the ‘Great Seal of the Crown of the Mauri Nation' to exercise powers hereby vested in Us, to erect the said islands of Aotearoha[New Zealand] North Island/South Island/Stewart Island/Islands annexed to Norfolk Island/Christmas Island/Cocos Island and Gondwanna[Australia] and to make all such laws, ordinances, instructions and amendments as we see fit; the powers vested in [Maori] Mauri to add, alter, delete and enact all laws as expressed in its entirety, by the majority of living ascendents who make these claims in perpetuity;
Be it known that at the time of the coming of the colonists, there were no Maori. The first recorded use of this word Maori (adj. meaning ‘ordinary’ and ‘general’ in English usage) was 1801 in Thames, however in the 1947 Maori Purposes Act, the colonists changed everything ‘Native’ to ‘Maori’ therefore creating a new entity and jurisdiction, “he who creates, owns”. Therefore we herein verify that we ‘Mauri’, ‘Mana Whenua’, ‘Tangata Whenua’ are the ‘uri’, the vital essence, the Crown, life force, first breath, first ascendents of our mother lands. Today the meaning of Ma-ori in the Maori Dictionary means ‘first victim’. Clearly we are ‘Mauri’, Ra, Nga, Ti, Ra (Rangatira) - the people of the Sun, Period;
The Crown of the Mauri Nation are mobilised throughout the entire lands Aotearoha, known as the realm of New Zealand and globally, bringing forth the true power and glory of God on the Earth/Te Whare Matamuatanga o IO as may be required for peace, order and good governance;
We stand as man, many with a womb, living, standing in our private capacity on our paramount lands (live life claimants), in our Charters & Kindoms/Matamuatanga, having returned from sea to manage our affairs (private foundations) & all the people living on our lands (native earth claims - living deeds) as ratified in He Whakaputanga o te rangatiratanga o nu tireni 1835, Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 & verified within the Queen Victoria Statement delivered by Lord Normanby 1839, Queen Victoria Letter 1858 and the Memorial of Rights 1975;
This sovereignty is a spiritual notion: the ancestral tie between the land, papatuanuku ‘mother nature’, and original Mauri, the living who were born here, remain attached thereto, and must be returned, to be united with our ancestors. This link is the basis of the undisputed [ab]original native title to the soil and our sovereignty, 'law of the land'. It has never been ceded or extinguished, and co-exists with the sovereignty of Mauri, of the living and the Crown of the Mauri Nation and therefore land can never be taken for sustainable conservation purposes by the United Nations (upto 80%) and smart cities;
It is not excusable to ignore the government’s part in creating a ‘PERSON’ from our placenta, without our parents informed consent, theft may it be, forcing the Mauri people to sign misleading declarations that legal practitioners rely on as a factual claim, “using it as true knowing it to be false” (BDM107 Form), based upon our first-hand knowledge and information of birth certificate fraud that our competent personal research, proves we have been deceived in this founding ‘birth’ document by creating fictitious events and various fake entities with no authority to claim on behalf of Mauri;
It is not excusable to ignore the government’s part in creating an illegal ‘land title’ with a piece of paper, knowing full well that all titles are null and void (High Court Foreshore and Seabed decision 2006) and without our informed consent. Clearly theft and fraud, thus forcing the Mauri people to live in poverty while corporations rape our very being, pillage our lands, treasures/taonga and natural resources;
This ‘Statement’ is also a ‘Notice of Event’ that terminates the ‘power of attorney’ on ‘birth certificates’ and ‘land titles’ created by the New Zealand Corporation/de facto government (registered corporation) who demonstrate fraudlent and genocidal agendas of wrong doing, fraud and forgery; so as to cause further loss, harm, injury, damages, crimes against humanity, genocide, depopulation, enslavement, treason against the Crown of the Mauri Nation, including crimes against our lands/sacred sites and natural resources, which has been taxing on we the Mauri Beneficiaries to the legal names and any versions of it and reserve all one’s rights pursuant to HJR-192 (by Public Notice HJR-192); maxim: “whoever brings the obligation must bring the REMEDY”; Since the enactment of the 1852 New Zealand Constitution Act the British Governement and their agents have committed untold wrongdoings against the people:
We affirm that sovereignity is naturally vested in the people who are naturally endowed at birth with the following unalienable rights which no governemnt has the authority to suspend or impede our right to self determination and self governance, both as individuals and collectively;
That must now be made right and the records corrected! This 'statement’ has be written in the genuine hope that everybody from where-so-ever they come, will one day soon be able to live their lives on these shores and every-else according to our ancient universal maxim of common law “cause no harm, injury damage or loss or defend yourself, your family, your community and your property with all reasonable force necessary from all laws who seek to do you wrong.”
We the people must restore the Whenua/Earth (TTOW 1840 Article 2) extinguishing all Torrens land titles, reinstating the trust on our lands as fact remains “all titles are null & void, High Court Foreshore and Seabed decision 2006”;
How could it be otherwise? That Mauri peoples possessed these lands spirit & intendment and this sacred link was broken in merely the last two hundred years, inflicted injustice by the British Colonial Government; We have lawful excuse to take all course of action in defence of our rights and protections of the common law, tikanga, kawa laws/lores government Aotearoha, known as the realm of New Zealand;
Note: New Zealand is a registered Corproation. Aotearoa is also registered. Therefore 'he who creates owns', we 'Mauri' created Aotearoha - The Land of Love.
Having witnessed substantive constitutional change and structural reform of our beloved homelands, with the intent of a ‘now’ land grab, being subjected to the most treasonous government crimes against the people and our sovereignty it is therefore with sound minds and sincere hearts that we are compelled to state that we revoke our consent whether express or implied to be governed under the laws of any parliament. Our sovereignity must now be expressly, elevated, as the true living expression of New Zealand’s (the realm) true underlining laws/lores, cultural & spiritual identity;
Proportionally, we are the most incarcerated people on the earth, the last to be colonised, through the unlawful translation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 to English, whereby the government of a few men claimed we ceded our sovereignty, lands and treasures;
“KAORE!” Had we known that these ‘men and their pens’ true intention was fraud, forgery and land theft we would have cut off their hands and eaten them whole. We never knew that a ‘pen, ink & piece of paper’ in those days would bring such overwhelming injustices that would be inflicted upon Mauri. We are a lawful people, we are warriors of the light. We protect our lands, woman and children fiercely. Our children are alienated from our families in unprecedented rates by the Colonial New Zealand Government that descended from convicts, murderers, rapists and thieves from the New South Wales colony of Australia. Our lands, our mana wahine and our children are our hope, vital essence, breath and our future; not a commodity for raping, pillaging, taxing and charging by the New Zealand government corporation docked on our ports, sharing illegally created certificates, without our permission;
These extreme dimensions of our crisis tell plainly the severe nature of our problem. This is validated in the torment propagated by the New Zealand police, legal agents of fraud, courts, corporations and judges against Mauri every minute of everyday, deliberately disturbing our peace, as we travel across our lands, with the intent to unlawfully arrest and direct us into their courts, raping the air that we breath and vital essence of our being;
We assert/direct/declare to the world/global united nations and your agendas that our Aotearoha Te Whare Runanga/Ancient council of Rangatira[governance] has made such laws expedient and that an executive counsel has been appointed to advise and administer our Interim Te Whare Runanga, standing with full power, authority and lores/laws to manage our affairs to remit fines, penalties and forfeitures for crimes committed against the Crown of the Māuri Nation and take our rightful place on our lands, in our sovereign nations with our undisputed right to self determination and self governance. When we have the power over our destiny, our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be the underlying current of this beautiful Mauri Nation;
We call for the establishment of the Voice of the Crown of the Mauri Nation to be heard, enshrined lawfully and never again disregarded or disrespected on our lands;
The Crown of the Mauri Nation Royal Charter and Memorandum of Understanding 2021 is the culmination of our agenda; the coming together in these times. It captures our aspirations for a fair and truthful relationship with the people in the realm of New Zealand and a better future for our children based on justice, self-governance and self-determination. In the event that our Royal Charter 2021 is sufficient for the purposes of restoring the law, our Royal Charter 2021 will nulify the illegitimate NZ government and parliament for abject breaches of Te Tiriti of Waitangi 1840, the Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007 and the Bill of Rights 1689;
The Crown of the Mauri Nation Private Inland Commission shall supervise the process of agreement-making of duality between ‘British government’ illegally occupying our lands and ‘The Crown of the Mauri Nation’. There shall be truth-telling about our history, correcting the English version of the treaty, promoting the true intended version of ‘The Treaty of Waitangi 1840’ in all publications and reinstatement of lands, correcting the records;
In 1975 written and spoken into existence was our Memorial of Rights, presented by the then Prime Minister Right Hon W E Rowling and Members of Parliament 13 October, whereby the Mauri People were vested the power to confirm all promises which were made and vested in us, all powers to amend, alter and delete all laws which inflict injustice and hardship upon the Mauri people. Relief is sought by the Mauri people of the realm of New Zealand in her majesty’s Magna Carta. Herein, ‘You’ the Politicians and all your decision makers are acting as agents and fiduciary over We; Therefore, 'You’ are now accountable for all rights, debts, liabilities, obligations, duties, charges and your decisions; It is not excusable for ‘You’ to ignore ‘your’ rights! (c.f. s148 Public Trust Act 2001); This memorandum of right is not for interpretation;
We herein express and implement our statement/notice of events/letters patent/clauses in every statute of this present day in now space whereby we herein activate our power to take, alienate, designate and confiscate Mauri Lands, never to be administered by any de facto government, period. Whereas the Management, Retention & Control remain with the Crown of the Mauri Nation, Mauri People (live life claimants) and our ascendants in Perpetuity. Mauri and the live life claimants have assented to the protective principles of entrenchment by expression of a ‘majority in agreement’ in a ‘private national referendum 6th October 2023’ which shall not be repealed or amended;
Yes, you heard right! And we are reminding you of how to assert your will [rights]. The Crown of the Mauri Nation have claimed all Mauri Lands with Letters Patent 11 February 2011, on your behalf, awaiting notice of your ‘live life claim’ and your ‘estate claim’ in order to assent to the principal protectorates of the Memorial of Right 1975. Remember only the LIVING can make a claim for Mauri Lands, not a PERSON. Here is your REMEDY!
In 1840-2020 the Crown of the Mauri Nation was simply spoken and written into the Treaty Mandate, now time and space with a purple pen, and a purple thumb print, the true living seal with all principle protectorates on the LandAirWater, putting ‘meat on our tupuna bones’, that trumps all ‘symbolic seals on the sea of ships’, with strong intent, assembled in Kaikohe 6th October 2023 by Special Resolution, passing a motion to implement and release the ‘statement’ in a majority referendum, with no objection, or rebuttal from living ‘assembled’ or the Prime Minister, Governor General or the NZ Treasury;
We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Living Sovereign Mauri People and friends for a better future on our lands, with ‘You’ and our offspring, by our side. Please spread the word far and wide. Time to stand up for whats right! “Ake Ake”.
Link to Memorial of Rights Announcement 1975:
Memorial of Rights 1975
Greetings to you in whose Assembly is vested all the powers to amend and adjust all Laws, which inflict injustice and hardship upon the Maori people, and in whom is vested the power to confirm all promises which were made to give relief to the Indigenous people of New Zealand under Her Majesty's Magna Carta. Long Live the Queen.
Your Maori People pray:
Firstly: That an enactment of Parliament which enshines the spirit & intendment of this Memorial shall incorporate in it the protective principle of entrenchment whereby it shall not suffer by the expression of a majority of all those persopns eligible to vote as Maoris in a National Referendum.
Secondly: That all pernicious clauses in every Statute of the present day or in new Statutes in the future, which have the power to take Maori Land, Alienate Maori Land, Designate Maori Land, or Confiscate Maori Land, be REPEALED and never to be adminisgter on the remaining Maori land at the present day and whereas Management, Retention & Control remain with our Maori People and their Descendants in Perpetuity. Ake Ake
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Constitution Act 1986
Section 5 - Demise of the Crown
The death of the Sovereign shall have the effect of transferring all the functions, duties, powers, authorities, rights, privileges, and dignities belonging to the Crown to the Sovereign's successor, as determined in accordance with the enactment of the Parliament of England intituled The Act of Settlement (12 & 13 Will 3, c 2) and any other law relating to the succession to the Throne, but shall otherwise have no effect in law for any purpose.
- Every reference to the Sovereign in any document or instrument in force on or after the commencement of this Act shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include a reference to the Sovereign's heirs and successors.
What does that mean?
The functions, duties, powers, authorities, rights, privileges, and dignities belonging to the Crown of England, are transferred to the Sovereign's heir's and successors. The Sovereign's heir's and successors are the Crown of the Mauri Nation as Mandated in Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840.
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Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a treaty written in the Maori language which is made from pre-European to dog skin. It is the only treaty witnessing three Soveriegn seals. There is the seal of Queen Victoria on behalf of the Crown of England the seal of Waikato Tairea on behalf of the Crown of the Maori Nation and a seal by Governor Hobson on behalf of the Colonial Government of New Zealand. The treaty was sent to England after 1840 with the Seal fo Taiapuru Waikato Tairea including the signature of Governor Hobson and the signature of the witness to Governor H.R.H Queen Victoria, the treaty was returned to Aotearoa via the Flagship "Herald". The treaty now contained Queen Victoria's Seal. The treaty was presented to Waikato Tairea at Mahia on the East Coast under three consecutive twenty one gun salute by the "Herald" and its accompanying ships the "Penguin" and the "Alligator". This completed the partnership of the Tiriti of Waitangi at Sovereign Level.
Click here to watch the Video & Audio of Secretary to Governor General stating that the Crown of England have vacated Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 a generation ago: Video Link
Listen to the recorded audio of Gregory Baughan, Secretary to the Governor General of New Zealand discussing how the Crown of England have vacated New Zealand.
Click here to watch the Video & Audio: Video Link
The Crown of England vacated 1986 validated by Gregory Baughen, Secretary to the Governor General in a direct recorded conversation. They are no longer here. The only successor is the Crown of the [Maori] Mauri Nation.
What does this mean?
The Crown of England vacated 1986 validated by Gregory Baughen, Secretary to the Governor General in a direct recorded conversation. They are no longer here. The only successor is the Crown of the [Maori] Mauri Nation.
What Next?
By Letters Patent enacted by us 20th December 2020 we reign in perpetuity and extend the provisions of our [a]ctions to provide for the Administration of Justice and Lore/Law in Aotearoha[New Zealand] and for the more effectual Te Whare Runanga[Government] thereof and for other purposes enacted from time to time issued under the Great-Seal of the 'Crown-of-the-Mauri-Nation' to exercise powers hereby vested in Us to erect the said islands of Aotearoha[New Zealand] North Island/South Island/Stewart Island/Islands annexured to Aotearoha[New Zealand/Norfolk Island/Christmas Island/Cocos Island and Gondwanna[Australia] and to make all such laws, ordinances, instructions as we see fit;
The Crown of the Māuri Nation are mobilized throughout the entire lands of Aotearoha bringing forth the true power and glory of God on the Earth/Te-Whare-Matamuatanga-o-IO as may be required for peace, order and good government;
We stand as living men and women, standing in our private capacity on our paramount lands, in our Charters & Kin-doms/Matamuatanga, having returned from sea to manage our affairs & all the tenants/pakeha living on our lands as ratified in He-Whakaputanga-o-te-rangatiratanga-o-nu-tireni/~1835, Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 & verified within the Queen-Victoria-Statement [de]livered by: Lord-Normanby/~1839 & Queen-Victoria: Letter/-1858.
Our Letters Patent and Royal Decree stands unrebutted in law. Never rebutted by the New Zealand Parliament Corporation Governor General or the Treasury entities. Final Orders were hand delivered. Tacit-[a]dmission; it is con-sent, [a]ccepted-by-[e]quitable-[e]stoppel-by-[a]cquiescence;
We [re]voke, [ex]tinguish, all fake crown of England agents pretending to be a government. We direct the return of our 1844-Queen-Victoria-Trust and Gold-Fund-Trust plus 176 years of compound-[in]terest to the Mauri-Crown-[pre]sumed-donors, from lands-leased-1840 onwards to our Administrators, Office-of-the-Crown;
We assert/direct to all fake crown of England agents pretending to be a government that you will be arrested and brought before our Pa Kooti for our injury, damages, crimes-against-humanity, genocide, depopulation, enslavement, treason [a]gainst the Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation, [in]clud[ing] crimes-[a]gainst-our lands/sacred sites/natural-resources and theft of lands by the New-South-Wales-Land-Company-Ship, The-New-Zealand-Government [sub]jects and the Crown-of-england[British crown];
We direct all Fake Crown-of-England-[a]gents are no longer welcome on our lands;
We assert/direct to the world/global-[un]it[ed]-nations that our Aotearoha-Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-council-of-Rangatira[government] has made such laws expedient and that an [E]xecutive-Counsel has been [a]ppointed to [a]dvise and [a]dminister the Interim-Te Whare Runanga[government] with full power and authority;
We assert/direct to the world/global-[un]it[ed]-nations that the Mauri-crown Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-counsel-of-Rangatira[government] is standing with full power, authority and lores/laws to manage our affairs to remit fines, penalties or forteitures for crimes committed against the Crown of the Mauri Nation.
It is done!
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Aotearoha is the Earth of the Love. The coordinates are the beating heart of papatuanuku, earth mother – 'the Moana Heart'.
As it stands, Aotearoha pierces the earth surface, above and below New Zealand. It's actually a continent - most of which just happens to be under the sea.
Aotearoha (New Zealand-Zealandia) and Australia are physically bound to each other across the Cato Trough, off the coast of Queensland. Spiritually bound to each other from Rangihoua across the Rangihou in Paremata, New South Wales.
Further information only available to Live Life Claimants.
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Te Whare Ataroa Bank; Kaitiaki Account Principals; Commencement date 16th February 2021.
Proclamation and Declaration of the Kaitiaki Account Principals for the Te Whare Ataroa Bank and Aotearoha Treasury
Crown of the Mauri Nation
Letters Patent 13th February 2021 – Te Whare Ataroa Bank
Letters Patent 13th February 2021 – Aotearoha Treasury
Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment 13th November 2020
Final Orders to New Zealand Prime Minister, New Zealand Governor-General & New Zealand Treasury 12th January 2021
Kaitiaki Account Principals are the autographs for the Te Koha Rangihou Account Number 163850639 for all major putea reserves, taonga, cypto currency & minerals deposited and credited: ongoing.
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Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku the Third by the Grace of IO Matua, Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku the third 'KJV Proverbs 8 in its entirety; defender and protector/kaitiaki/guide of the faith, Gatekeeper of our Aotearoha 'Earth of Love'; our Spiritual umbilical Cord from Rangihou to Rangihoua; our Sacred Tupuna Wairua Bridge; to whom these presences shall come; Let it be known that it is declared by IO Matua that Taonga Treasury and Charter is hereby now issued for the Crown of the Mauri Nation with control of the right with inherent native authority & the Private Finance Taonga 2021.
Further information only available to Live Life Claimants.
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Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku the Third by the Grace of IO Matua, Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku the third 'KJV Proverbs 8 in its entirety; defender and protector/kaitiaki/guide of the faith, Gatekeeper of our Aotearoha 'Earth of Love'; our Spiritual umbilical Cord from Rangihou to Rangihoua; our Sacred Tupuna Wairua Bridge; to whom these presences shall come; Let it be known that it is declared by IO Matua that Te Whare Ataroa Bank and Charter is hereby now issued for the Crown of the Mauri Nation .
Further information only available to Live Life Claimants.
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Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III qualifies that the Crown of England cannot return as the New Zealand Crown since vacating in 1986 and handing power over to a foreign corp-oration registered in Washington D.C, misrepresenting Mauri and the law.
Māuri has full power & authority to aspire to any position in Aotearoha [New Zealand] including the most important one of all ‘Crown of the Māuri Nation’, as they whakapapa to the whenua (land) with inherent unextinguished native right and authority qualified by Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840.
For the first time in herstory the Crown of the Māuri Nation are standing in their supreme suv’eran authority, and rightfully so. Because the Secretary of the Governor-General of New Zealand, Gregory Baughen admitted on the phone on 11th December 2020 quote “Crown of England was what was here at the time of the Colony in 1840, and there hasn’t been a Crown of England for the last generation. We no longer have our Sovereignty held by the Queen of the United Kingdom. It is held by the Queen of New Zealand".
This was previously qualified 4th February 2017 when Chief Justice/Administrator Sian Elias confirmed that the NEW ZEALAND PARLIAMENT did assume its sovereignty by means of an unwritten constitution and that she was the Queen's Judge/HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND, SEC CIK #0000216105. Be advised that Chief Justice/Administrator Sian Elias did confirm that she herself was appointed and commissioned by the said Government.
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Tumuaki Lady Crown Turikatuku the Third by the Grace of IO Matua, Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku the third 'Tumuaki' Proverbs 8 & Wairuahine-rangatira: Arohanui; defenders and protectors/kaitiaki/guides of the faith, Gatekeepers of our Aotearoha 'Earth of Love'; our Spiritual umbilical Cord from Rangihou to Rangihoua; our Sacred Tupuna Wairua Bridge; to whom this presence shall come; Whereas it declared that Embassies with Land, Marae and House (10 acres each) be provided in Rangihou, Rangihoua & Hawkesbay & Hamarwa (Hallets Bay) Aotearoha.
Further information only available to Live Life Claimants.