


Crown Structure

“The Will of IO”  “Love one Another”  “Love thy Neighbour as Yourself”
“Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Luke 16:13



Office of the Mauri Crown

The Office of the Mauri Crown consists of the Tohunga Wise Counsel, Chief Administator, Treasurer, Secretary and Personal Assistants.



Te Whare Runanga is a Governance Platform for Aotearoha ‘earth of love’.


The purpose is to keep the Crown House in order.  It is the for Paremata (Parliament), Te Kainga Ora Tumu (Governance), Rohu Sacred  Circle (District Counsels), Marae & Whanau Sacred Circles and assisting up and coming Private Community Enterprises (Foundations).


Every week we are attending to expressions of interests for individuals and roopu who can fulfil the portfolios.  All portfolio holders are interim for 3 months.

Where to from here

Te Whare Runanga is operating virtually from Rangihou and Rangihoua. Taonga (treasures, laws, lores) are being passed daily and given Royal Accent.




A runanga portfolio is a Cheif's area of responsibility. Within their portfolio there are one or more offices.
Their is a broader view of Te Whare Runanga than is reported which includes external voluntary participants globally.

Chiefly Experts

The Chiefly Experts deliver programs and policies to maintain and improve the Crown of the Mauri Nations Lore/law and justice framework. They also manage, research lore/law matters, legal whanau relations, volition and integrity.


The Chiefly Experts will manage the administration, secretarial and portfolio relations.


The Chiefly Experts will manage the communications material from the Crown of the Mauri Nation.


The Chiefly Experts will manage the Book of Lore and Laws for our constitution He Whakaputanga 1835.

Security & Defense

The Chiefly Experts will manage all aspects of security, rangers, marshalls, Peace Force, Warriors, defence, SAS and weaponary schools.

Pa Kooti

Pa Kooti is the superior court of record and a court of law and equity on the land. It sits in all charters and nation as well as mobile when required from time to time. The primary functions are to, decide disputes according to lore/law - promptly, courteously and effectively and, in so doing, to interpret the divine law, tikanga, kaua, common law exercising the judicial power of the living constitution He Whakaputanga 1835.

Operations & Investigations

The Chiefly Experts will manage secret service intelligence, operations and investigations.

Book of Life

The Chiefly Expert will manage the book of life scroll for every live life claimant, spiritual death, tribal marriage, ordination and change of name.

Spiritual Bridge International Relations

The Chiefly Experts will manage the internation relations, alliance and agreements.

Universal Intelligence

The Chiefly Experts will manage the universal spiritual realms, high spiritual counsels, sacred ceremonies and artifical intelligance matters.

Agreements & Charters

The Chiefly Experts will manage the agreements for global charters, nations and whenua[embassies], and Tribal Soveriegn Nations of the Earth.

Kaiwhatu Energy Exchange Banking Charter

The Chiefly Experts will manage the putea with  founding Te Awaroa Banking Charter.

Treasury and Financial Control

The Chiefly Experts will manage undertake all aspects of Financial control and treasury.

True Potential Learning Model

Te Wheke by the late Rangimarie Rose Pere, The eight tentacles of learning.

Transport & Infrastructure

The Chiefly Experts will manage the transport and infrastruction with other portfolio Chiefs.

Water & Energy Resources 

The Chief protects our water & energy resources and helps develop strong energy industries. 

Te Whare

The Chiefly Experts will manage the housing for families, urgent, short term and long term. 

Health & Wellbeing

The Chiefly Experts will manage the holistice healing, health and wellbeing globally.


Facilitate jobs growth through policies that promote fair, productive, flexible and safe workplaces.

Private Foundations

Establish and mentor foundations for all types of enterprises promoting 'clean, feed, teach, love, peace, charity' and self sustainability.

Whaea, Wahine & Tamariki

Our Chieftainess work closely with our Wahine to encourage strength, confidence, ployment, support, education, well-being, support family breakups, drug & alcohol and reduce violence against wahine and tamariki.

Koro, Tane & Tamariki

Our Chief work closely with our Tane to support and encourage strength, confidence, ployment, support, education, well-being, support family breakups, drug & alcohol and reduce violence against wahine and tamariki.

Elderly & Disabled

Our Chieftainess work closely with our Elderly & Disabled to support and encourage strength, confidence, ployment, support, education, well-being, family relations, drug & alcohol and ensure quality and fulfilment of life.

Environ Kainga

The Chief protects our natural resources and helps develop strong agricultural industries. We work with others to ensure our land, water and heritage are well-managed, protected and productive. We drive strong and sustainable agricultural industries, manage our unique environment and heritage and •support our regional communities.

Kai, Tane and Tangaroa 

The Chief protects our Kai[food], Tane[forests] and Tangaroa[Seafood and fisheries] in partnership with our fisherman, timber mills and producers are working with nature, the stars and the seasons to promote and regenerate our natural resources. We create plans,  research, development and extension to promote our private foundations to thrive.


Expressions of Interest to hold a Portfolio

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