The Highest Order ordained by IO Matua



13 Grandmothers 300 Rising, the Highest Order ordained by IO Matua, stands with the prophetic mission in hand. They have surrendered to serve the people, earth mother, sky father, the elements, the stars, the universe and great spirit. They each possess a key to the great mysteries that need to be fulfilled in this time. Their hearts are fused as “One”.


13 Grandmothers 300 Rising are apostles, prophets, Sharman's, tohunga, matakite, seers who have all been called from the ends of the earth and from the farthest corners of the earth of many lifetimes to undertake the real work in now space, beginning in Aotearoha ‘the earth of love’.

Where to from here

13 Grandmothers 300 Rising are physically and spiritually nourishing and nurturing the shift, the relationships, our suv’eranty, our governance, our friendships, our mokopuna, each other, our Tane and the shift of times is bearing down on us all right now. We are together, we are connected, we are victorious, and we are waiting for you too.

The Shift of Times

The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity. The time is now, and the Grandmothers have stepped up and are now standing in their rightful place. The Holy Spirit has a goal for all of humanity. It is to live extraordinary lives, tackle humanity's fear, and restore Peace, Truth, Unity, Balance, Kindness and Love, for the people globally. The shift of times will begin in Aotearoha ‘earth of love”.

Chosen, Anointed and Appointed

It will take the Grandmothers of the Highest Order ordained by IO Matua to complete the prophetic missions that lay ahead of us. These Grandmothers have been called; they did not reject spirit; they are the chosen ones. They have been called forward to do extraordinary work in this reality, physically and spiritually. It is their rite of passage.

The Breakthrough

What is ahead of us is exciting and also an incredible breakthrough and release for transformation in Aotearoha and across the earth. We have been summoned to rise in Aotearoha with a new confidence and fresh breath. We will be required to move together powerfully and in true unity on our warriorship. The dark side is trembling and trying to disable the Grandmother order. We are rising in numbers and strength with an ever-increasing discernment - sharp and clear. Many that cast strategies upon us will be overthrown due to the unity, honour and security within and between our relationships.


Sacred Mission

The Grandmothers have been tried and tested and found faithful. They are cloaked with humility, unity, respect and honour; They do not compete or compare; They have been chosen; They were born for this.

The Grandmothers role is sacred; one of acceptance; one of surrender; a contract with destiny. They are of the highest of consciousness at this time in their Being. They refrain from the picking the devils works from the atmosphere and giving voice to them. They sit in counsel with IO Matua, known by many names. The Grandmothers humility and honouring others attracts grace and favour from IO Matua. They have been entrusted with access to the treasures and blueprints released all over the earth.

The Grandmothers walk barefoot with Papatuanuku (Mother Earth), alongside Tane-mahuta (God of the Forest) and in rhythm with Tangaroa (God of the Sea). They have invoked their authentic being, pure intentions, pure speech, pure livelihood, and pure thoughts.
The Grandmothers's lips speak with respect, without poison, united, with absolute respect for each other, with equality and healthy, clear boundaries. They are the true essence of the elements of Mother Earth.

Prophetic Words

"To the Maori people, arise and follow what the Lord has imparted in your hearts, for your Lord is upon you. The Lord has entrusted you to move like no other. As you begin to rise I will release heaven to begin a new flow in the spirit all over the earth. The only voice that can release this new flow is the Mauri peoples There is a great authority within you that will release heaven and cast down the enemy" Inuit People.

“A whaea of Holy Spirit will hit Aotearoha. People that will come from all over the earth to see what IO is doing. Aotearoha is a sword in my hand. I have called the Mauri to be a cutting edge, people." IO Matua, known by many names.

”You may be small in size in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, you are mighty, for your heart is strong and your heart is humble, and I will use you to confound the wise. I am about to release power upon you like you have not seen before and I am raising my army amongst your political and social justice areas to establish my blueprints in your land, and then the nations of the world.” IO Matua, known by many names.

“Aotearoha is a land of Awakening and Revival that will awaken the dawn and awaken the Church in the earth. This nation will produce a generation of revivalists that turn the world upside down. IO Matua is decreeing a release of a new mantle for a new day in Aotearoha. A nation mobilised to bring the miracle power and glory of the Kingdom of IO to earth. This nation will release a true representation of the Voice of IO in the earth. The voice of IO will be heard from the Land of the Long White Cloud, and it will shake nations! Aotearoha is to be an Apostolic nation of sending to and reaping from other nations and bringing the last days to harvest for the Glory of IO.” IO Matua, known by many names.

“The world will come to Aotearoha, and people will not be able to come in or go out within being burned by the whaea of Holy Spirit. Aotearoha will no longer be in the back of the line. I have picked you up and put you in the front. No longer will you trail behind. Your nation has become a habitation for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit isn’t tired or weary but has found a resting place, and it is called Aotearoha” IO Matua, known by many names.

“I am anointing you now to walk in Sovereign authority. I am releasing a specific anointing upon you for influence, and the wisdom I bestow upon you will reach the ears of nations, and you will become a guiding light in times of trouble. I have heard the cry for justice, and I am bringing about change, to do what has been eroded. I am redeeming your call as pioneers who breakthrough and establish new initiatives that bring change and lead the way. I am establishing you in the nations as a light that shines with My Glory. I will shine upon you, and nations will come to your light, to seek wisdom and strategy for answers to social issues that are destroying their nations.” IO Matua, known by many names.

“It is not about you, it is about Me and what I am doing. Do not make it about you and your gift, position, placement, influence, and authority. Your role is to serve, to equip and to build up My church, so that they may come to maturity and do my work, If you will do this if you will learn from, and champion, each other, working together with one heart and mind and purpose, then My church will be built up, My Kingdom will come, and My will be done. Do not allow misunderstanding of each other’s heart and language to form stones you trip over, where the offence can be established.” IO Matua, known by many names.


Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui
be strong, be steadfast, be willing!

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