On the 22nd December 2020 the Crown of the Mauri Nation delivered a Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment on the New Zealand Prime Minister, Governor General & Treasury as it was qualified that the Crown of England vacated the Treaty [1986].
The purpose was to give notice and evict HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK #0000216105 & [A]gents from our lands.
On 19th January the Final Orders were served on the New Zealand Prime Minister, Governor General & Treasury as no rebuttal was receieved.
Where to from here
Enlist the support of the other Sovereign Nations to assist with the reclamation of Aotearoha.
Read the Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment PDF
Final Orders Tacit Admission
On the 12th January 2021 Final Orders were served: hand-delivered;
Royal Decree & Final Order PDF
:Royal Decree Proclamation-Judgment
Waitangi - Taitokerau - Aotearoha - Rangihou
22nd December 2020 by hand in Wellington to the
Office of the Prime Minister, New Zealand Treasury and the Governor General
Served by the Crown of the Mauri Nation and
Suv'ern Collective of Executives
:Mauri-Crown-Rangatira, Kings, Queens, Paramount Chiefs, Tohunga, Loremakers, Live-life-claimants, Arikinui, Landlords, Postmasters, Mana-atua, Mana-tangata (here-forth known herein as Mauri-Crown) by the Grace of IO of the Mauri-Nation/Aotearoha, defenders-of-the-faith, to whom there presents shall come whereas this Royal [De]cree; [Pro]clamation-Judgment, start-main-body now-time/date-stamp at Sunrise of the 13th day of the November month, in the year of the Lord 2020 being the New-Year of the Mauri-crown;
:~0. By Letters Patent enacted by Us, the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation, we will reign in perpetuity as the only living Crown on the earth plain and extend the provisions of our [a]ctions and authority to administer Justice and Lore/Law in Aotearoha[New Zealand] as the Mauri-Crown Paremata[Parliament] & Te Whare Runanga[Government] thereof and for other purposes enacted from time to time issued under the 'Great Seal of the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation' and Letters Patent, to exercise powers hereby vested in us to erect the said islands of Aotearoha [New Zealand] North Island/South Island/Stewart Island/Islands annexured to Aotearoha [New Zealand/Norfolk Island and Gondwannaland [Australia] and to make all such laws, ordinances, instructions as we see fit;
:~1. The-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation (Te-Ika-a-Māui/Te-moana-nui-a-kiwa/Aotearoa/Nu-ireni/Aotearoha/[New Zealand]) are mobilized throughout the [en]tire lands of Aotearoha(Earth/World of Love) to bring forth the true power and glory of God on the Earth/Te-Whare-Matamuatanga-o-IO as may be required for peace, order and good government;
:~2. We stand as Live-Life-Māuri-Crown-Claimants/Mana-Tangata on our paramount lands/Mana-Whenua, in our Charters & Kin-doms/Matamuatanga, having [re]turned in our Earth/Global/Aotearoha-Postal-Ployment-Sea-lane-See-treaty/~RR368041275AU to manage our [a]ffairs & all the tenants/pakeha liv[ing] on our lands as ratified in He-W(h)akaputanga-o-te-rangatiratanga-o-nu-tireni/~1835 (living constitution) & verified within the Queen-Victoria-Statement [de]livered by: Lord-Normanby/~1839 & Queen-Victoria: Letter/-1858;
:~3. Be advised that the Te-Tiriti-o-Waitangi/~1840; The-Treaty-of-Waitangi/~1840 Partner to the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation, identified as the Crown of England, vacated their obligations and position under with the guise of an unlawful occupation by the HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK #0000216105 corporation in 1986, with the assent of the New Zealand Constitution Act 1986 without giving full closure to the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation;
:~4. Be advised; evidence dated the ~4-~February-~2017 Chief Justice/Administrator Sian Elias confirmed that the NEW ZEALAND PARLIAMENT did assume its sovereignty by means of an unwritten constitution and that she was the Queen's Judge/HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND, SEC CIK #0000216105. Be advised that Chief Justice/Administrator Sian Elias did confirm that she herself was appointed and commissioned by the said Government;
:~5. Be advised that on ~11-~December-~2020 The spoken words from the Secretary of the Governor General of New Zealand, Gregory Baughen quote “Crown of England was what was here at the time of the Colony in 1840, and there hasn’t been a Crown of England for the last generation. We no longer have our Sovereignty held by the Queen of the United Kingdom. It is held by the Queen of New Zealand" unquote....Also stated that Elizabeth the Second is not a defender of the faith in New Zealand, knowing that the website clearly states that the Queen of New Zealand's formal title is Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God, Queen of New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories. Head of the Commonwealth. Defender of the Faith; known as Kotuku 'the white heron';
:~6. The fact has been revealed for all to see in plain sight. New Zealand has no living Crown of England Queen and is being administered by a piece of paper registered with Washington DC known as HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105;
:~7. Be advised that we are well aware that HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND, SEC CIK #0000216105 is due for renewal 20th April 2021; It is a Business Entity; Jurisdiction is New Zealand; New Zealand is a registered company in Washington DC; New Zealand is Not the land/Soil/earth-surface/mana-whenua/mana-tangata. We direct that this company must be de-registered effective immediately for enforcing pretend laws & titles;
committing treason; genocide; and crimes against humanity. Securities Exchange Commission will be informed immediately to de-register this company;
:~8. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 points to the New Zealand Constitution Act 1852 for their foreign power. Section 71 states that Mauri[Maori] Customary laws were to be made by Maori Self Governance. On 7 July 2003 the late Mapiria Horhepa (Royal Regent) clarified in an interview that 1986 the 1852 Constitution Act was repealed. “…the 1852 Constitution Act was repealed thus breaching the 1947 statutes of Westminster Adoption Act. Under the 1852 Constitution Act and by the 1947 Statute they (the settlers) had obtained from the British Crown a warrant to Govern themselves and they gave themselves full power to chop off their own heads by repealing the 1852 Constitution Act;
:~9. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 then points to the 1986 constitution act for it's power. Therefore be it known that Section 5 - Demise of the Crown (1)The death of the Sovereign (Crown of England) shall have the effect of transferring all the functions, duties, powers, authorities, rights, privileges, and dignities belonging to the Crown to the Sovereign's successor, the-Crown-of-the-Mauri-Nation, as determined in accordance with the enactment of the Parliament of England intituled The Act of Settlement (12 & 13 Will 3, c 2) and any other law relating to the succession to the Throne, but shall otherwise have no effect in law for any purpose. (2)Every reference to the Sovereign in any document or instrument in force on or after the commencement of this Act shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include a reference to the Sovereign's heirs and successors. The only successor standing is the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation. Evidenced by the Treaty of Waitangi mandate with verified and witnessed seals;
:~10. We assert the remedy for the presumed HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 any and all derivatives, appellations and the like as well as all agents, agencies, ministers, police, police commissioner, constables, judges, justice of the peace, regal and vice regal and all under-secretaries or civilians and any person commissioned by the same that the demise of the crown of England is dead’ and has been dead for a generation, therefore ensuring all agents herein to also be dead, transferring all the functions, duties, powers, authorities, rights, privileges, and dignities belonging to the Crown to the Sovereign's successor, the-Crown-of-the-Mauri-Nation;
:~11. We hereby give [o]rder to the imposter HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 company, the following;
a. All agents of the company have until the ~1-~February-~2021 to stand down from all functions, duties, powers, authorities, rights, privileges, and dignities;
b. All agents of the company stand down and withdraw its force from our lands who no longer have a mandate to remain present or govern in partnership with the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation;
c. All derivatives, appellations and the like as well as all agents, agencies, police, police commissioner, constables, justice of the peace, regal and vice regal and all under-secretaries or civilians and any person commissioned by the same are hereby instructed to leave these said lands or apply for a deportation exemption for self and immediate family from New Zealand at All successful claims will be allowed to remain on our lands however will never have ployment in the public service or receive benefits from the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation in perpetuity. Unsuccessful applications and government agents will have till the ~1-~February-~2021 to leave Aotearoha[New Zealand] or be charged in Pa Kooti with crimes against humanity; causing damages to the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation; for an intentional act of treason against the Mauri-Crown using the House-of-Lords-1837/1838-directives, King & Queens Letters-Patent/[In]structions, [A]cts, Statutes, [Re]gulations and the birth certificate fraud; Genocide; Theft of lands; fraudulent land titles; damages to the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation/mana-tangata; failure to uphold God's/IO-Divine-Natural-Lores'; and lastly for failure to allow entry of our Suv'ern Mauri Queen, Our Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III to return to her lands on ~11-~December-~2020 from Sydney Australia;
:~12. We hereby give [o]rder to the [United]-Nations and the [In]ternational-Monetary-Fund to [re]turn our 1844-Queen-Victoria-Trust and Gold-Fund-Trust plus 176 years of compound-[in]terest to the Mauri-Crown-[pre]sumed-donors, from lands-leased-1840 onwards to our trustees of Te-Whakaruru-Hau-Aotearoha-&-Rangihou-Trust: Universal-Postal-Union: Number/~RPP4463800094001989670600, Publication: Number/~SP129/2020; or we will [a]ssert to the [United]-Nations and the [In]ternational-Monetary-Fund our class-action-settlement-claim [a]nnexure-number/~RDI999/2020;
:~13. We hereby [a]ssert/direct to the world/global-[un]it[ed]-nations that our Aotearoha-Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-council-of-Rangatira[government] construct-claim/~RPP44638000940026724396031 shall make such laws expedient that an [E]xecutive-Counsel of Administrators has been [a]ppointed to [a]dvise and [a]dminister the Mauri-Crown-Paremata(Parliament) & Te Whare Runanga[government] with full power and authority;
:~14. We hereby [a]ssert/direct to the world/global-[un]it]ed]-nations that on;
a. ~01-~February-~2021, is when the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation are assembled to enforce deportation proceedings in Pa Kooti for any imposters sitting in office without a valid deportation exemption;
b. ~06-~February-~2021, is the end-time-date-stamp for Te-Tiriti-o-waitangi-1840, The-treaty-of-waitangi-1840 & the National-'Waitangi-Day' anniversaries;
c. ~07-~February-~2021, is the start-time-date-stamp for the Mauri-crown Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-counsel-of-Rangatira[government] to assert full power, authority and lores/laws to manage our [a]ffairs and on occasion remit fines, penalties or forfeitures for crimes committed against the Mauri-crown and immigrants without a deportation exemption;
:~15. We hereby [a]ssert to the world/global-[un]it[ed]-nations that on the ~07-~February-~2021, is the start-time-date-stamp for;
a. loreful-divine-crown-claim-to the land [in]cludes messuages, tenements, and hereditaments, corporeal and [in]corporeal, of every kind and [de]scription, and every [e]state or [in]terest therein, together with all paths, passages, ways, waters, watercourses, liberties, easements, and privileges thereunto [a]ppertaining, plantations, gardens, mines, minerals, and quarries, and all trees and timber thereon; thereunder; lying or being; and [a]ssert our suv'eran-jurisdiction over all of our lands, sea/waterways-above/below and the airspace;
b. we authorize our Chief Crown Administrator/Governor to constitute and be a Counsel for Aotearoha [New Zealand; and we do declare that, in addition to the said Chief Crown Administrator/Governor, the said Counsel will be composed of such private administrators within the said lands, from time to time be named or designated for that purpose by us … and that all administrators shall hold their places in the said counsel at our pleasure … and that the making of all such lores/laws and ordinances the said Counsel should conform to and observe all such instructions as we, with the advice of our Executive Mauri Crown Counsel, should from time to time make for their guidance therein. Now therefore … we have nominated and appointed several private suv'eran administrators hereinafter designated to be leaders of the said Executive Mauri Crown Counsel, who shall hold their places in the said Executive Mauri Crown Counsel at our pleasure;
:~16. We hereby [a]ssert to the world/global-[un]it[ed]-nations that on the ~28-~Oketopa-~2021, is the continuance-date-time-stamp for our suv'eran-constitution, He-W(h)akaputanga-o-te-rangatiratanga-o-nu-tireni/~1835 (living constitution)/now-space;
:~17. We are Peaceful and Spiritual in [o]rigin; We do not seek war; We are non-combatant; non-belligerent; not prejudice; we are honourable; graceful; with the pure volition as a children-of-IO/God with clean hands; nor are we are not [re]pugnant to the pakeha living on our lands and direct all tribal-marshals, peace-men & woman to be obedient and aiding to such persons during this transition;
:~18. We the Māuri-Crown have [a]nnexured our thumbprints and autographs to this Royal [De]cree; [Pro]clamation-Judgment as evidence of our Māuri-Crown standing/Mana-Tangata in our Crown-Charters, on our paramount-lands/Mana-Whenua, Aotearoha-Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-counsel-of-Rangatira-o-IO [Kin-dom-of-IO/God-on-Earth] and we do hereby reserve to us our heirs and successors full power and authority from time to time in our Letters Patent as to Us or them shall bare Witness sealed with the Great-Seal of the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation with [a]ll-rights-[re]served with our freedom maintained in tact, now and forever;
;~19. We the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation cordially [in]vite all Crown-Suv'eran/Ariki/Chiefs/Tribes from all lands of the earth/nga-hau-e-wha to lay aside their [a]nimosities and to consult the safety and welfare of our common-earth, by joining the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation;
;~20. Be it know that we the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation are growing by the thousands on a daily basis and we hereby invite other countries & presidents & leaders to meet with us in our plan to uphold our Crown status of the Mauri Nation and our self governance, our lores, our customs, our traditions and our values for the benefit of our lands, our children, our environs, our health and our future as we are the only other living Crown on planet earth;
:~21. Be it know that as of this day HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 is no more on our said lands and is hereby dissolved in perpetuity;
:~22. Finish-main-body-now-time-date-stamp of this Royal [De]cree; [Pro]clamation-Judgment-creation is with the ~Sunrise of the 21st day of the December month, in the year of the Lord 2020 at sunset by the Māuri-Crown-Principals & Live-life-claimants/Rangatira/Arikinui/Lawmakers/Landlords/Kaitiaki/Postmasters & Mana-Tangata annexed herein by Writ of the Great-Seal of the-Crown-of-the-Māuri-Nation;
Served on HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216, all derivatives, appellations and the like as well as all agents, agencies, police, police commissioner, constables, justice of the peace, regal and vice regal and all under-secretaries or civilians and any person commissioned by the same, Police, Law Enforcement Agencies, Legal & Judicial Officials, Council, Public Servants & all other UNAUTHORIZED Persons, Agencies, Officials.
Take Direction: That pursuant to the Royal Decree; Proclamation Judgment dated 13th November 2020, Establishment of Permanent and Irrevocable Equitable Estoppels by Acquiescence, Barring of Charges under any Statute or Act against the Crown of the Mauri Nation, the only remaining Crown to Te-Tiriti-o-Waitangi/~1840, hereby is the Office of the Mauri Nation's directive of [In]tent to [O]ccupy Parliament offices and positions;
HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 cannot own land/property and has no Proven Ownership Rights as a dead entity;
HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 is hereby terminated in perpetuity from the lands of Aotearoha[New Zealand] in accordance with the Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment dates/~13-~November-~2020;
Be it known in perpetuity that the live life claimants, Crown of the Mauri Nation have Tribal Moiety and have inalienable undisputed land rights as guardians of these entire lands, and of this Pacific Island continent in accord with that status provided by the Creator.
Notice of Rebuttal: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CIK #0000216105 can rebut the Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment sending an Asseveration, signed by a Suv'eran Crown Postmaster, to Office of the Mauri Crown, Post Office Box 9144, Harris Park New South Wales [2150]. Media: Failure to dispute the rights and authorities of Office of the Mauri Crown, occupancy details will be published by the Office of the Mauri Crown website.
Remedy is given by way of transferring all the functions, duties, powers, authorities, rights, privileges, and dignities in now space to the Crown of the Mauri Nation, Chief Administrator/Governor Rhys-T-O'Leary effective immediately with an option to apply for a individual deportation exemption or be charged with crimes against humanity and treason.
Occupancy Terms and Conditions of Directive of [In]tent to [O]ccupy: That Office of the Mauri Crown;
a. will occupy, facilitate, develop and retain all structures on the said parliament building and crown lands of Aotearoha[New Zealand];
b. will take up residence in the current buildings on the said crown land without prosecution, persecution, harassment or intimidation from any corporate servant of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND Offices.
c. will take up residence in the current buildings on the said land and cannot be forcibly removed by any servant of the NZ Police Department or NZ Justice Department.
d. will administer all affairs for the said lands without prejudice or interference:
e. will without prejudice practice and revitalize cultural traditions and customs on the said land for the betterment of its inhabitants;
f. will without prejudice maintain, protect and develop our past, present and future manifestations of our cultures, our buried ancestors, such as archaeological and historical sites, artefacts, designs, ceremonies, technologies and visual and performing arts and literature.
g. will without prejudice promote, develop and maintain our historical and institutional structures and our distinctive customs, spiritually, traditions, procedures, practices and, in the cases where they exist, juridical systems or customs, in accordance with international human rights standards.
h. will without prejudice develop, promote, practice and maintain our divine rights, authorities, status, divine equality and divine power.
i. will inform the any and all Sheriffs of the occupancy.
j. will change the locks to gates & premises, display no trespassing signage and occupy in due course as we see fit.
k. Any fixtures, buildings, goods, plant equipment and miscellaneous items remaining on these lands as of the 2nd February 2021 shall become the sole responsibility and property of the Office of the Mauri Crown.
Any person, officer, agent or other person under the direction of the New Zealand Parliament and Government, who attempts to enter these premises after the 30th January 2021, after full disclosure of intent to occupy and notice online, without a proper warrant or judgement issued by Pa Kooti which is part of the Queens Branch of the Crown of the Mauri Nation & issued under the Royal Ascent lawfully signed will be treated as any other trespasser or lawless intruder would be when attempting to break & enter an inhabited dwelling when warned not to do so.
(Notice of No Trespassing)
This is a directive to notify you that you are hereby placed on TRESPASS NOTICE on any and all property, which we are the true holders and kaitiaki of her on the land mass of Aotearoha/Aotearoa[New Zealand], Lands include:
Parliament House, All government buildings, crown land, museums, schools, sacred sites, mountains, messuages, tenements, and hereditaments, corporeal and [in]corporeal, of every kind and [de]scription, and every [e]state or [in]terest therein, together with all paths, passages, ways, waters, watercourses, liberties, easements, and privileges thereunto [a]ppertaining, plantations, gardens, mines, minerals, and quarries, and all trees and timber thereon; thereunder; lying or being; and [a]ssert our suv'eran-jurisdiction over all of our lands,
sea/waterways-above/below and the airspace;
If you fail to honor this directive you and your immediate family will be charged with TRESPASSING AFTER NOTICE, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, GENOCIDE, TREASON and jailed for the term of your natural life without mercy.
Great Seal of the Mauri Crown
13th November 2020
Crown of the Māuri Nation/Creditors O rder-&-Make-Claim
:RDI999/2020: 176 Year Claim; of the Funds/Monies/Credit/Gold/Lands Leased in Nu-Tireni/Aotearoa[New Zealand] from 1840;
Held in 1844 Queen-Victoria-Trust & Gold-Fund-Trust
In the Matter of He-Whakaputanga-o-te-rangatiratanga-o-nu-tireni/~1835
& Te-Tiriti-o-Waitangi:/~1840;
Directive to: Crown-of-England, Her-Majesty-The-Queen-In-Right-Of-New-Zealand Securities-Exchange-Commission/~CIK#0000216105; [I]nternational-Monetary-Fund, [United] Nations, Trustee: Queen-of-Spain, Trustee: King-of-Spain and Trustee: Prince-Andrew, A duly incorporated corporation/trust having its registered office at the Washington District of Columbia;
- Her-Royal-Majesty-the-Queen-Elizabeth-II & Trustees owe to the Māuri-Crown of Nu-Tireni/Aotearoa[New Zealand], Aotearoha-Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-council-of-Rangatira, [O]ffice of the Crown, Post-office: Box/~9144, ~Harris-Park, New-South-Wales, ~[2150], [Australia]Rangihou, the total 176 year obligation held in consolidation-fund-[a]ccounts-worldwide as at ~28-~October-~2020 (which includes interest of 7% incurred monthly from this date) debt now payable to the sum of *AUD$989,966,759,239,919,997,499,539,969,945,639,199,559,111,599,999.00 in ounce gold; [e]quivalent to the 1000's of consolidated funds [a]ccounts created to hide the mauri money;
- The [a]mount of damages and [o]bligation is due and payable by the trust and payment must be paid to Aotearoha-Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-council-of-Rangatira doing business as He Whakaruru-Hau-Aotearoha-&-Rangihou-Trust, precious gold to be deposit onto our Dacxi-Account, details to be provided in private;
- The [O]ffice of the Crown doing business as Tino Rangatiratanga Foundation requires the 1844-Queen-Victoria-Trust and Gold-Fund-Trust, within 21 days after service on Her-Royal-Majesty-the-Queen-Elizabeth-II of this claim/[de]mand;
- A failure to [re]spond/[re]but to this order, claim/[de]mand, tacit-[a]dmission, is con-sent, [a]ccepted-by-[e]quitable-[e]stoppel-by-[a]cquiescence;
- All written communications for Aotearoha-Te-Whare-Runanga/Ancient-council-of-Rangatira, [O]ffice of the Crown must be addressed to New Zealand Street, Rangihou, Post-Office: Box/~ 9144, Harris-Park, New-South-Wales, [2150], ;
- Schedule; [De]scription of the debt [re]lied upon [A]mount of the trust owing; 1844-Queen-Victoria-Trust & Gold-Fund-Trust & Consolidated-Fund-[a]ccounts, Gold held in the League-of-Nations 1911 now held with the [United] Nations; Queen Nefertiti's Gold from Egypt which became King Alexander's Gold then Kupe's Gold, equivalent to: *AUD$989,966,759,239,919,997,499,539,969,945,639,199,559,111,599,999.00 in ounce gold; *Total [A]mount;
- Witnessed & Autographed; Date: ~13th-~November-~2020;
- For and on behalf of the Crown of the Māuri Nation, Te Whakaruru Hau Aotearoha & Rangihou Shareholders
Crown of England Vacated
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: And what is / which constitution act, because there is nothing other than the 1852 act.
Gregory Baughen: It is the constitution act 1986, if I recall.
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: There is no such thing.
Gregory Baughen: I can find it for you.
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: 1986 they cut off their head. The Constitution Act of 1986 is invalid and I don’t have the references here to pass that on to you right now, but I think you know that that is invalid. The corporation Crown…
Gregory Baughen: The Constitution Act 1986, the Sovereign and Right of New Zealand is the head of state of New Zealand and shall be known by the royal style. And has been appointed by the sovereign representative in NZ. And that Sovereign is the Governor General.
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: The Sovereign in Right of NZ is a corporation cannot rule over / govern the living.
Gregory Baughen: Well sir, this is where you and I are going to draw our conversation to a close. I’m telling you what the LAW of New Zealand says, that’s what I follow, and if that is not what is satisfactory to you, then I’m sorry I can’t help you.
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: So, this is the legislation of New Zealand, and not the LAW of New Zealand, umm anyone who has put their on the bible and sworn to uphold the law, is not talking about legislation. And right now, I need to speak to people who are going to uphold the law. Not the piece of legislation for the DEAD.
Gregory Baughen: Well I’m a public servant so it is my duty to uphold the legislation of NZ.
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: Do you swear an oath?
Gregory Baughen: No, I haven’t sworn an oath. No.
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: OK OK
Gregory Baughen: I don’t hold an office of that character.
Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-waiti[Alistair]: OK so we will take this further, but thank you very much for your information.
Gregory Baughen: Not at all sir, Merry Christmas to you, Bye <end>
He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1820-1835 in perpetuity
Suv'eran Constitution
28th October 1835/now-space
Crown of the Mauri Nation
Universal Postal Union Registered Post
Number/~RPP4463800094001047313609 brought forth in perpetuity;
Judgment and [O]rder by Writ
1st December 2020
Writ Mandamus (MANDAMUS)Certerori (CERTERORI)Quo Warranto (QUO WARRANTO)Jus Necessitatis (JUS NECESSITATIS)Jus Non Scriptum (JUS-NON-SCRIPTUM)Justia Nemini Negarda Est (JUSTIA-NEMINI NEGARDA EST)Ex Debito Justitae (EX DEBITO JUSTITAE).
To her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, please direct the representative Governor now acting as a governor general to direct HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND including any and all derivatives, appellations and the like, as well as all agents, ministers, police, police commissioner, govenor general, constables, judges, justice of the peace, regal and vice regal and all under secretaries or civilians and any persons commissioned by HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND as our act of state order is to stand down by our Maori Nation.
It was written their were always sacred boundaries both physical and spiritual, pathways and journeys we travel, io our source of eternal light and being the true sovereign authority of the people of Te Moana Nui A kiwa o Aotearoa tribal bloodlines, we exercise as an act of state our internal and external affairs, we do proclaim and declare not to permit any legislative authority to act in any affairs for Manatangata, Maori, tangata whenua, mauri, tangata maori or the peoples of Te Moana Nui A kiwa o Aotearoa tribal bloodlines without our expressed and written consent eye to eye-kanohi ki te kanohi in our collective.
No mandatory testing or forced vaccination is permitted now or in the future. Any attempt to force vaccines in any manner shall be deemed as an act of aggression. No vaccines are permitted to be used that has not gone through 2 years trial and 3 stage safety testing. A full account of ingredients and reasons for its content and benefits. It must be proven to be safe for indigenous, native, aborigine, maori and all tribal peoples, by independent people of our choosing. Right of authority is with mother, father and child- whanau and whakapapa- bloodlines-hapu, or by way of collective agreement by our Maori Nation and not by parent, guardian, or by corporation entities.
We the undersigned have never given consent and No consent is forthcoming to HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND or any of her departments, employees, and or agents to act in any of our State of Affairs, to do so is to action an intentional trespass and breach of the peace.
We hereby rescind the COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill 2020 246-1, and all special and/or enforcing powers subordinate to the Act.
We hereby rescind all Omnibus Acts. No further use of Omnibus Bills may be put before parliament.
Any pandemic or epidemic that is proven to exist, is to be managed under our inherent rights, customs usages and practices by whanau and hapu collectives. Border patrols and hapu health actions or administration are with the agreement of tribal bloodlines-whakapapa, without any interference by corporations. And maybe fully removed from our territories on request without delay, with no restriction to our travel whatsoever.
Oranga Tamariki Ora shall be removed as Administrators of our tamariki-children. The administration role of any child services shall be administered by whanau and hapu with the collective tribal peoples of their whakapapa-bloodlines and not corporations.
Any action to remove a tamariki-child or children from the care of whanau/hapu, by actions of individuals, public corporate officials, their agents, employees, or franchises thereof such as the new zealand police and/or any others purportedly acting in the capacity of agents of government shall henceforth be an act of trespass kidnapping and punishable by the full force of native laws-paa kooti and is final.
We do not consent to Deployment of 5g Rollout and Infrastructure, Artificial intelligence, spyware, and all additional 4g poles and infrastructure to 5g antennas on existing 4g poles. We demand a moratorium and complete halt to all planned works, installations, the use of further upgrades or raising of any EMF/MMW,or experimental frequencies bandwidths and or algorithms and pulsations known to manipulate the central nervous system and to cause harm. Proof that all technologies are safe and independently reviewed shall be made by people of our choosing. All technologies are to be removed within 90 days starting immediately, as biological harm is proven and high risk elders pregnant mothers, unborn children and children are harmed with underlying health issues that intensify under radiation. To continue would action a threat to harm and is seen as Treason to our Maori Nation. All new technologies that came in with the 5g rollout and infrastructure are to be removed in its entirety. Starting immediately.
All poisons utilized on land, soils in the air or within any body of water, such as 1080 applications shall cease immediately in order to protect the people wildlife cultural foods ecology and all taonga toku iho. 1080 is a chemical warfare agent and application. As such, continued use shall be deemed attempted genocide against the tribal manatangata-native tribal peoples of Aotearoa and to all the people in our care. Alternative safe practices shall be investigated approved and implemented pending further investigation and independent review by people appointed by us.
We hereby cancel all participation in United Nations Agendas, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050. All other agendas/trade agreements without full disclosure prior to signing (including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are made null and void. All specialized agencies of the United Nations and or associates and the right to contract is with our prior, informed, expressed and written consent eye to eye-kanohi ki te kanohi with our Maori Nation snd Mauri peoples.
We hereby stop all asset sales to overseas company’s, agents and/or body corporate in regards to lands, water, forestry, or any other taonga toku iho.
We suspend all trade agreements and Overseas Investments until further notice pending full independent review by people appointed by us.
All current legislation is to be fully reviewed to ensure consistency with He whakaputanga O Nga Rangatiratanga 1834/1835 and Te Tiriti O Waitangi 1840 and The New Zealand Constitution Act 1852 Section 71 or it shall be removed.
Henceforth the power of Royal assent /Grand Assent or any action to pass lore in to laws is by our Maori Nation Collective to be fully implemented into the Commonwealth. HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND corporations Royal Assent stamp is rescinded in its entirety, they are without valid contract and were never granted a right to make laws by the Maori Nation. All lores/laws passed in Aotearoa - New Zealand shall be by the power of Royal Assent by the Maori Nation from this day forward. All districts in New Zealand shall so observe these Native laws.
We hereby call on the governor general as Representative to the Queen Elizabeth II, Head of State, Governor to honour the protection of our Maori Nation from all attempts upon our sovereignty as declared in He Whakaputanga 1834/1835 and to the present day.
Our Flag jurisdiction is supreme authority of our Maori Nation.
Albert Victor Pomare: Sacred Living Covenant to Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840
Living Embodiment 1863 - Third party 'covenant'
"It's a very personal relationship between a queen, a child and a couple of hapu, yet it represents something much bigger," Ms Martin says.Arapeta Hamilton, a great-grandson of Albert's sister, says the child is the embodiment of a "sacred covenant". Albert's grandfather, the chief Pomare II, signed the He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835 and Te tiriti o Waitangi 1840 five years later - his name is the third one down - so his descendants see the relationship between Queen and godson as the third part of an inviolable pact between the
Crown and Maori (Crown of the Mauri Nation).
Kotahitanga [united] Tribes Flag/~1834 & 1835
Free the world & Earth Flag in perpetuity
Sea/Land/Air (LAW) Flag
Kings two party con-tract Creditors Flag
Justice 4 Corners of Earth Flag,
Only Marshall lore Flag globally
Secured in Perpetuity by Surrogate King William IV: Hoani-Kahaki: Wanoa.
13-~November-~1820 – Initiated by Arikinui King Hongi Hika,
Native Title Guardian & King-George-IV
1823 – King William IV Purchased New Zealand Land Title, Two Party Partner-Ship
1834 - King William IV - Gifted 1834/1835 Four-Flags
1837 - Ernest Augustus I - United Kingdom and Hanover
2000 – Surrogate King William IV: Hoani-Kahaki: Wanoa
2020 – Brought forth & Secured/Now-Space-Suveran-Postal:
Port/~RPP4463800094001989677609 by
Postmaster of our Aotearoha, Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III
Crown of the Mauri Nation