About the Crown Royal House
The Crown of the Mauri Nation is upheld by Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III and her Executive Principals.
Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III is recognised and acknowledged globally by tribal sovereign nations as a suv'eran for Aotearoha/New Zealand. She is also an entertainer known for her powerful voice, artistic creative abilities and longstanding commitment to soverignity, self-determination processes for Te Whare Runanga [governace] for tribal people globally. Her sense of duty and her devotion to a life of service, she has been an important part of her existance as she stands firmly with her ancestors King Hongi Hika and Queen Turikatuku II on her shoulders, as well as IO Matua (Supreme Creator).
Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III continues to push the sovereignity matters and carry out community services in her everyday life, all supported by other Executive Principles around the earth.
Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III sees her private voluntary service as one of the most important elements of her working life. Her foundations and mentoring is well-established on a global level assisting live life claimants to live self-sustainably.
Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III Lady-Crown's tribal Affiliations are Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu, Ngati Tautahi, Nga Puhi, Ngati Rehia, Ngati Hine, Ngati Hau, Ngati Manu, Ngati Wai, Ngati Kahu, Te Rawawa, Ngati Rangihou, Ngaitai, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngai Tuhoe, Ngati Kahunungu, Originee Darug & Noongar, English, Spanish, Irish, Egyptian. She is a descendants of Hongi Hika, Turikatuku II, Te Ruiki Kawiti, Pomare, King George III. She has been tribally adopted by the Ghungalu, Bidjara, Kullilli, Biria, Manandangie, Kungari, Githabul Ngarakbul mobs. She stands firmly at Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy], the spiritual bridge where the seas of Rangihou meet Rangihoua.
Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III is an ordained Ambassador of the Lord, acknowledged and qualified by International Notary Lord Jason Strong on the 1st August 2018. She is also the Foundation of the Purple Thumb Community 2019. Lady Crown is the underwriter for the PTC Live Life Claim, Private Foundations, & Native Earth Claims.
Crown Arikinui
Crown Arikinui, Advisor to Lady: Crown: Ahuamai;
Charter: Waimirirangi suv’eran native charter & Whenua [Embassy]
Crown Arikinui, Deputy Advisor to Lady: Crown: Lady: Maareikura;
Charter: Mataikore suv’eran native charter & Whenua [Embassy]
Email: info@mauricrown.org
Crown Royal Regents
Crown Royal Regent, Chieftainess of Operations: Suv'eran [O]rdained Crown Postmaster: Lady: Tarriana-Beau, Heir and Successor;
Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu, Nga Puhi, Ngati Hine, Ngati Hau, Ngati Manu, Ngai Tuhoe, Ngati Kahunungu;
Charter: Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Crown Royal Regent, Chieftainess of Lore: Lady: Matariki;
Charter: Aotearohasuv’eran native charter & Whenua [Embassy]
Crown Royal Regent, Chieftainess of Lore & Policy: Wairuahine-Rangatira: Arohanui
Charter: Whiu Whiu Pineaha Waiharakeke Erana Eru Rongotoa Ariki Native Suv’eran Charter & Whenua [Embassy]
Crown Operations
Chief Royal Order: Investigations: Taniora;
Charter: Hare-Hongi Suv'eran Charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Chief Royal Order: Private & Public Relations: Mauri-Crown-Tane: Whetu-Waiti;
Tribal Adoption: Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu;
Charter: Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Postmaster Gondwana: Maja-Jingki: Burra;
Ngombal Mob, Crown of the Originee Nation
Charter: Gondwana Sovereign charter & Land[Embassy];
Chieftainess Tohunga of International Relations: Mauri-crown-Taimana-rama: Waenga-pou;
Tribal Adoption: Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu;
Charter: Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Aotearoha Resource Management Authority Intellectual Resource Consent: Lady: Aroha;
Charter: Aroha Te Awa Suv'eran Charter & Whenua[Embassy]: Auckland [NZ];
Aotearoha Native Earth Claims Relations: Purple Thumb Community Administration;
Charter: Aotearoha suv'eran-charter & Whenua[Embassy]; Global;
Gondwana Native Earth Claims Relations: Lady: Sunshine;
Charter: Mataikore suv’eran native charter & Whenua [Embassy]
Email: info@mauricrown.org
Crown Royal Order Administrators
Chief of Quality [A]ssurance: Ariki: Alexander;
Charter: Aotearoha-suveran-charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Crown Researcher: Jaz: Player;
Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu;
Charter: Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Crown Registrar: Te-Aroha; Heir and Successor;
Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu;
Charter: Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Crown Putea: Te-Hauariki;
Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu;
Charter: Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Crown Royal Order Communications
Chieftainess Royal Order: Communications & Environment: Christian: Taniora;
Charter: Taitokerau Sovereign Charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Chief of Media Communications abroad: Ramola D;
Charter: Pine Haven Sovereign charter & Land[Embassy];
Chieftainess Administration: Purple Thumb Community: Tarriana-Beau;
Charter: Rangihou Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy];
Crown Royal [E]missary of Peace Order
[E]missary of Peace: Mauri-Crown: Tane;
Charter: Rangihoua Paremata Matamuatanga Sovereign charter & Whenua[Embassy] NZ;