The Crown of the Mauri Nation rebut belligerent letter from entity Te Whakaminiga o Nga Hapu o Nu Tireni, with love, kindness, and peace.

Kia ora, Nga mihi mahano. Warm greetings.

The Crown of the Mauri Nation, successor to He-W(h)akaputanga-o-te-rangatiratanga-o-nu tireni/~1820-1835 in perpetuity, dedicated to the self-determination and absolute mana tino rangatiratanga (sovereignty) of our lands/mana whenua and our people/mana tangata of the common-wealth as stated in the Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment served on the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Office, New Zealand Treasury and the New Zealand Governor General on the 22nd December 2020. Affirm The Crown of the Mauri Nation stand as Mauri Crown Suv’ern and tino rangatiratanga in private capacity and perpetuity.

Be advised that the parties that were served have not responded and have failed to [re]but to this Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment and Declaration order; therefore tacit-[a]dmission is con-sent, [a]ccepted-by-[e]quitable-[e]stoppel-by-[a]cquiescence.

On the date of Monday 11th January 2021; Tino Rangatiratanga Foundation received correspondence from Ariki Kiwikiwi, Te Wakaminenga o Ngā Hapū o Nu Tireni. The Crown of the Mauri Nation was notified of such correspondence addressing He Whakaruru-Hau-Aotearoha-&-Rangihou-Trust. All correspondence is to be addressed correctly to return an honorable response and failure to do so will be deemed null and void.

The Crown of the Mauri Nation respectfully request that any and all future communications demonstrate to us capacity, decency and integrity as hue-mans to stand behind your volition and words, to be honourable and truthful and agree to be in peace.

Failure to do so will be deemed as offensive, disrespectful and belligerent rendered null and void. This is a great dishonor to the Divine Love of and for IO Matua.

We request and cordially invite your team re-establish a foundation of honor, love and kindness to reinstate a peace treaty where we can unite in fluid communication with respect, honesty, love, kindness, and truth; and peace prevail for all!

Be advised that Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment was served by a collective of private Crown Suv'erans including Arikinui Heruika who clearly supports the position of the Crown of the Mauri Nation as stated in the rebuttal to Georgi Job dated 24th December 2020 (Annexure A);

"[4] This actually means that since 1934 of last generation that the only Crown here in this country is the Crown of the Mauri Nation. Therefore, Crown of the Mauri Nation have the right to stand down the IMPOSTERs in Wellington., because allowing them to continue to rule, reign and govern us is in breach of Article 2 He Wakaputanga. These IMPOSTORS passed laws to remove our guns so we cannot defend ourselves from them IMPOSTORS, and that if there is only the Crown of the Mauri Nation, then we have a right to stand down the impostors right now, and Georgi's b.s. excuse that the vaccine arrival is not till on the 24th December 2020, has absolutely no bearing whatsoever to permitting them to govern our people a moment more." ...End Quote.

His position and authority is recognized by the Crown of the Mauri Nation (Annexure B).

Therefore Crown of the Mauri Nation have identified the right of divine passage to stand down HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND, SEC CIK #0000216105. The Crown of the Mauri Nation have identified that by allowing imposter government-ship to disobey rule and reign is in clear direct breach of their obligations to the mana whenua, mana tangata and mana rangatiratanga by breach of He-W(h)hakaputanga-o-te-rangatiratanga-o-nu tireni/~1820-1835 in perpetuity.

The Crown of the Mauri Nation are here to serve others, we are in service to divine lore, we are in service to divine love, and we are in service to IO Matua. We recognize what peace is, we recognize what truth is and we recognize what fraud is. In serving divine love we automatically become an emissary of peace. We don't claim it, we can only walk it. We live it, we breathe it and we are in service to it. It cannot be manipulated.

Our suv'eran truth is on another level, beyond this hue-man realm of mind, which is our remedy. An emissary of peace cannot be ordered, directed or captured. We walk to the beat of our own drum. Our honor will always be in service to IO Matua. Your notice is therefore null and void.

Our Remedy is in the act of speaking truth, it is our energetic invitation to you from our divine intelligence to your intelligence, to come forward into being. It is an invitation!

By showing your love and kindness, means that you are willing to be in peace with us.

He aroha whakato,

he aroha putamai

If kindness is sown

then kindness you shall receive.

 Download the Rebuttal PDF:

    Kotahitanga Rebuttal Crown of the Mauri Nation 11-1-2021 ( pdf, 2.98 MB )