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 Privacy Policy

It is tika that we do not disclose any private information that is shared with us through our sites with third parties.


Full Closure

The Crown of the Mauri Nation is a administered by The Crown Foundation, Private Non-Government-Foundation, Tax-Exempt, Not-for-Profit, Humanitarian, Philanthropic Community-Service.

The Purple Thumb Community is the Book of Life branch of the Crown of the Mauri Nation, administered by Tino Rangatiratanga Foundation, Private Non-Government-Foundation, Tax-Exempt, Not-for-Profit, Humanitarian, Philanthropic Community-Service.

Our Private Foundations are not registered with the fiction government system.

The Purple Thumb Community are administrators for live life claims, private foundations and charters.  At no time do the Purple Thumb Administrator claim birth certificate bonds, birth rights, whakapapa or make land claims.  It is the responsbility of the Live life claimants to annexure their whakapapa to their claims and set up their charters for their land claims.

The Purple Thumb Principals administer the sea lane for all Live Life Claimants who choose to use the sea land to return home to their lands, mana whenua.
It is the responsibility of the Live Life Claimants to request these services.
The Purple Thumb Principals do not claim copy-right of the Live Life Claims.
The Purple Thumb Principals do not claim control of the vessels.

The Crown of the Mauri Nation and the Purple Thumb Community use purple ink for all thumbprints and Crown Royal Seals.


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