'The Crown' Correcting the Record
- Details
WILL AND TRUST: He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835 [declaration of Independence] is a will and trust deed executed by the Grantors. All grantors were centralised into 'The Crown (Tino Rangatira).
BLOODLINE: Article 1, who signed the 1835 declaration. One chief, the central representative chosen by the colonial officers provided the ancient bloodline enabling the Colonial regime to globally capture all living people as at 28 October 1835, thus constituting the interests of the Grantors into trusts ready for administration by currently the de facto regime in fee simple.
REMEDY: Article 2. Living beneficiaries (Live Life Claimant), of the original 1835 trust estate (Mauri) to stand as 'The Crown' (Crown of the Mauri Nation) and to declare their alive (mana tangata) and standing on the land (mana whenua).
SOLUTION: The Crown of the Mauri Nation standing with inherent native authority qualifies the 1844 Queen Victoria Trust being returned.