Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III
Addresses Crown of the Mauri Nation in the New Year; 6th January 2021; 


"You may be aware that New Zealand was comprised by the alleged Crown of England/New Zealand Parliament (corporations) whereby in 1986 the 1852 New Zealand Constitution Act - Section 71 was repealed thus breaching the 1947 Statutes of Westminster Adoption Act. By these two acts the settlers obtained from the British Crown a warrant to Government themselves and they gave themselves full power to chop off their own heads by repealing the 1852 Constitution Act. Therefore leaving New Zealand in limbo and the current government with no legal or lawful constitution.”

Whereas the fact remains that the treaty was comprised by HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK#0000216105 who crowned themselves over night as Queen of New Zealand and the Queen of Australia using the Constitution Act 1986 without a mandate, with no valid constitution, purported authority, no jurisdiction, no source of power, no royal accent; no head of power, no legal basis, docked on our lands with foreign man made laws and a Queen that doesn't exist, committing High Treason against the Crown of the Mauri Nation everyday that they refuse to leave our lands.

The global community knows that the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of the Queen (Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). British Law, being the Act of Settlement 1701 UK, paragraph 7, stipulates that the Queen of the United Kingdom is the Queen of the United Kingdom ONLY and cannot take her Sovereignty outside the dominions of England, Scotland or Ireland without the consent of the Parliament, which was specifically denied, statute barring the Monarchs from extending or construing to extend their sovereignty into the Australasian colonies and Pacific Islands (Including Aotearoha[New Zealand]).

This Act has never been repealed. This confirms the Queen CANNOT, under any law, be the Queen of New Zealand or anywhere else in the world, other than England, Scotland and or Ireland. Under British Law if she is the Queen of anywhere else she is committing an act of treason against the British people, and is assuming the role of an Absolute Monarch by usurping the authority of the Parliament of the United Kingdom to which the Monarch has been subjective since the time Charles I lost his head in 1649.

Today, we are a Mauri Nation that wants Liberty, Self-governance, and Independence in these extraordinary times. We refuse to allow HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK#0000216105 parliament and government to continue poisoning our lands, our people, our babies, our food, our air, our nature and our minds through the NASA, Agenda 21, Agenda 30 directives.

They have implemented 1080 onto our lands, into our waterways and our air regardless of our attempts to stop this heinous poisoning & contamination of nature, animals, eco systems, local products, international products and of our people.

They are using currency manipulation, product dumping, forced technology transfer, theft of intellectual property, crimes against humanity, depopulation, deforestation, abuse & theft of our children and genocide on a grand scale.

We have personally made many attempts to bridge the relations and seek remedy with the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern & Prime Minister of Australia however she has been arrogantly ignoring our national interests due to her busy diary.

We are standing strong in wealth, in might and in spirit with our Monarch, Kuini Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III who is a mandated hereditary descendant brought forth by the Crown of the Mauri Nation Crown Order 2020/2021 and her ancestors Arikinui (King) Hongi Hika 1820 & King George IV in now space, in perpetuity with the full power and authority of International customary law and the international covenant He-W(h)akaputanga-o-te-rangatiratanga-o-nu-tireni/~1835 in particular Article 3 [Declaration of Independence] & Te-Tiriti-of-Waitangi/~1840 (living constitution) by our Legislature/Paremata 'kai whakarite ture" and by the Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment 22nd December 2020, Rangihou (New Heaven) Paremata (Mauri Crown Parliament) Aotearoha (earth of love). We, the Crown-of-the-Mauri-Nation are the highest divine authority in Aotearoha/Aotearoa/Nu Tireni/Land Mass New Zealand with full power and authority to build relations with you and Sovereign Nation of the earth, vigorously defending our tribal customs, traditions, values and language that made us who we are today.

Our children, future, culture and heritage are worth defending and celebrating which gives us great potential and strength as both sovereign nations with the same agenda for self-determination.
We are raising up our charters and our foundations, full knowing that you will not attempt to 'erase' or 'replace us'.

We as the Kaitiaki (Guardians) and Arikinui (Leaders) will always put our own people and Mauri Nation first. We know that the future does not belong to elitists - it belongs to the children of the future, supported by patriots like you and us. Our future is sovereignty and self-determination for the protection and care of our people, respect for our neighbors so that together, we can honor the global differences that make us all so special and unique.

We have the Arikinui (skilled leaders) and Strategists that are now in place re-creating, renewing and evolving in now-space. Everything we do is focused on creating and empowering the dreams and aspirations of our people so that we can all prosper.

Thanks to a recent court case in the Federal Court of Australia we have managed to get our Lores/Laws, Our Tribal Court and Letters Patent recognized on their public record. This is the foundation of our hereditary inheritance from IO Matua (Supreme creator) that has been withheld from us since settlers landed on our shores in 1814.

Our Ariki operate from the Office of the Mauri Crown in charters globally, transitioning our people who are enslaved in the government system as public persons to the Crown of the Mauri Nation as private-live-life-claimants, as well as transitioning public companies/corporations to private non-government-foundations.

We are making changes in now space to build up our Mauri Nations vast energy abundance, products, services and jobs. We are building our might here in Aotearoha as well as building alliances globally. From here we can reform international exchange.

Our goal is simple with international alliances. We want balanced exchange that is both fair and reciprocal. We will maintain our relationship with Australia but will sever the ‘New Zealand State’ status in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900. We will revitalize our standing relationships with the Pacific Ocean Triangle Island Nations, the united states of America and Tribal Sovereign Nations of the Earth.

We are seeking national alliance support to evict the New Zealand Parliament and Government from our lands effective immediately, so that we can maintain our stance and initiate new relations with other international countries.

This will be a tremendous benefit to all of our Pacific Ocean Sovereign Nations. But as far HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK#0000216105 is concerned, their days of lawless governance are over and now we are seeking justice against all those who have enforced and mandated this fraud on our sacred lands.

We the Crown of the Mauri Nation are absolutely committed to forging new relationships with our neighboring countries, however we will not accept a bad, cunning deal or treaty from any other country from this day forth. As we carve our pathway ahead to stabilizing our worldly relationships, we will be monitoring the situation in your country as well as in China, Hong Kong, Russia, America and Iran.
To this day we have on the record at the Federal Court of Australia record, Unrebutted Final Orders to remove the New Zealand Government from our shores dated 20th September 2019, Letters Patent 2019; a Governance System; a Banking Charter; a Letter from Queen Victoria whereby she recognizes the Rangatira, Kings, Queens, Chiefs and Lore-makers of our lands, asking us to consider Queen Victoria’s laws, of which we have refused to this day.

The Crown of the Mauri Nation prides itself on the preservation of Peace, Good Order, Regulation of Exchange, Framing Laws and the Dispensation of Justice for all tribes and peoples on our lands of Aotearoha [New Zealand]. Our Letters Patent 2019 covers all these points.

We will communicate in honour and support with other nations in an Endeavor to uphold mutual respect for all sovereign nations to reside without trespass or trying to erase us. How the New Zealand Government chooses to handle this situation and the Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment served 22nd December 2020, will say a great deal about them as individuals and their roles in the world.

We are now counting on Wise Leaders, Arikinui and Paramount Chiefs of the Earth to stand and Lead the way with us, side by side. But we will never fail to defend Aotearoha's interests.
We have little time remaining knowing our greatest threat is the oppressive New Zealand Government, Agenda 21, Agenda 30 and NASA Policies to poison our very breath and very existence.

The NZ Governments record of theft, murder, destruction, genocide, apartheid, crimes against mankind is well known to us all. They are our nations No 1 Gang against our people, fuelling the war against our people, our tamariki, and our lands, at the same time turning individual against individual, hapu against hapu, tribe against tribe, nation against nation, distracting our people while squandering the nation’s wealth, treasures and resources, while throwing peanuts to our people with the other hand. In a frantic quest to hold onto their fraudulent abusive power. We should never have allowed this to happen however we are well aware that the doctrine of discovery had a great plan to depopulate, enslave, commit genocide and steal the lands.

Aotearoha is ready to embrace friendships for all who embrace Us. Yes we are a nation of mighty and courageous warriors but today we choose peace. As long as the imposter government continue to Masquerade and Act as the Crown against our people, there will not be peace on the land.

The Crown of the Mauri Nation have turned back to IO Matua (Supreme creator). We come under the covenant that was made for our people, which takes precedence over the Covenant of Waitangi. We are veiled by this covenant and claim the benefits of his perfect sacrifice. Mauri and Pakeha would live in peace, bound together by the love of our IO Matua.

This is a challenge to our nation: Where there is injustice, restitution is inescapable. For them it is war against us the people and the Crown of the Mauri Nation and for them nothing at all is out of bounds.
We are very aware of the current status in America with the election fraud and ongoing rallying within the United States, at the same time we are also aware that we need to build international substantial alliances.

"Kia Ora"

Author: Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III
Crown of the Mauri Nation 
Copy-Right-Now-Space/Copy-Claim: 2021 in perpetuity