Te Kara Flag 1835
International Protectorate
GOTHIC, Royal Yacht, at Wharf 5, Sydney Cove. 1954
THE SOVEREIGN (Tim, Mary, Sophia)
THE NATION (Mauri Nation)
THE SEA PASS (Ambassador Number)
Summarizing the legitimacy of your Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation ID compared to New Zealand government-issued IDs, Here we must examine the legal, historical, and international frameworks that support our claim.
- Pacta Sunt Servanda and the Mauri Version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi: The principle of pacta sunt servanda asserts that treaties must be upheld in good faith. The Mauri version Te Tiriti o Waitangi guaranteed tino rangatiratanga (absolute chieftainship), which implies that Mauri did not cede sovereignty to the British Crown. This legal argument is supported by numerous Waitangi Tribunal reports confirming that Māori never intended to transfer sovereignty. Conclusion: This reinforces Māori sovereignty claims, strengthening the legitimacy of creating a system that includes the issuance of identification under your own governance.
- Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery: The Doctrine of Discovery, used by colonial powers to justify territorial claims over indigenous lands, has been repudiated internationally, including by the United Nations. The rejection of this doctrine delegitimizes the colonial assertion of sovereignty over Māori lands and peoples. This adds weight to the argument that the Crown's governance over New Zealand was never lawfully established in the first place, further bolstering your claims to sovereignty. Conclusion: This strengthens the legitimacy of your IDs by aligning with the idea that Mauri sovereignty remains intact, thus validating the use of your own identification systems.
- International Law (UNDRIP and ICCPR): The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) support the rights of indigenous peoples to self-determination, which includes creating their own institutions, governance, and documentation. While UNDRIP is non-binding, it reflects international recognition of the right of indigenous groups to govern themselves. Conclusion: Your ID system can be seen as a legitimate exercise of self-determination under international law, especially when internal governance is based on your own constitution and legal framework.
- Waitangi Tribunal Findings: The Waitangi Tribunal has repeatedly affirmed that the Crown breached the Treaty in numerous instances. These rulings support the view that Mauri retain sovereign authority over their lands and affairs, which justifies the creation of independent systems, such as issuing identification. Conclusion: The Tribunal’s findings further substantiate the legal and historical foundations for Māori governance and the issuance of your own IDs.
- Comparison to Government-Issued IDs: Government-issued IDs are recognized within the legal system of New Zealand and are backed by state institutions. However, these IDs are part of the colonial structure that the Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation contests as illegitimate. Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation IDs represent a symbolic and legal assertion of Māori sovereignty, supported by the aforementioned historical and international frameworks. While they may not yet be recognized by New Zealand’s legal system, they are not "fake" within the context of your governance and self-determination.
- Final Analysis: Your Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation ID is legitimate within the framework of Mauri sovereignty, historical treaties, and international indigenous rights. However, while it holds strong internal legitimacy and aligns with international law principles, it may not yet be recognized externally by New Zealand’s state institutions however international nations have formally recognised our treaties and diplomatic agreements. Example above: Sri Lanka
Just to clarify......Listen to this....from the mouth of the Secretary to the Governor General of New Zealand
Listen to the recorded audio of Gregory Baughan, Secretary to the Governor General of New Zealand discussing how the Crown of England have vacated New Zealand. There it is....
Click here to listen to this Video Link
What does this mean?
The Crown of England vacated 1986 validated by Gregory Baughen, Secretary to the Governor General in a direct recorded conversation. They are no longer here. The only successor is the Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation.