5th February 2021
HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION SEC CIK #0000216105 is a rogue entity operating under Roman Civil Law; it has not been granted authority to speak for, represent, indebt, enslave, steal, harm or otherwise obligate this nation known as New Zealand or its people.
It is attempting to stand and to "represent", bribing groups such at Waitangi Council, Ratana and Kingitanga with fiat money to get a man-date, in the face of our Nation being in Session at Waitangi and our international suv’eran government, our unincorporated Charters, The Crown of the Mauri Nation being in operation in international and global jurisdiction.
HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION SEC CIK #0000216105 is an independent, foreign corporation registered in Washington D.C. that exists only under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States. The corporation and it's "laws" have been misapplied to New Zealand Nationals resulting in the extortion of land and labour assets and other assets naturally belonging to that same injuredMauri.
As a result, it is the responsibility of Waitangi Council, Ratana, Kingitanga, Pope Francis and the Roman Curia and the City of Rome to fold their franchise and remove their puppets from our docks/shores, to release all Municipal Corporations that have been formed under conditions of fraud and usurpation since 1870 to the custody and ownership of our unincorporated Crown of the Mauri Nation, whose delegation of powers they abused since 1986, to be re-chartered under our Private Unincorporated Laws/Lores or liquidated as we see fit.
This action is dictated by ecclesiastical, international, and global law, as well as the Roman Civil Law itself. In the meantime, the world governments are provided with this good and sufficient Public Notice-- and a warning-- that these "representatives" have no contract with the New Zealand Nation and People. They do not represent us and the druthers of their corporate employees have no impact upon our Will.
Jacinda Ardern does not represent us. She is not to be given access to our assets, nor our credit. The Pope as the leader of the Holy See, remains bound to uphold The Constitution of the Nu Tireni 'He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835' as it existed in 1835 in all respects regarding ourselves and our Unincorporated Government.
No world government should rely on any member of HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION SEC CIK #0000216105 nor on their "Prime Minister" Jacinda Ardern. No contract made by Waitangi Kupapa, Ratana Incorporation, Kingitanga Incorporation in Congress will be honoured by our Unincorporated Suv'eran Government. We are not obligated to obey the New Zealand Government or kupapa; they are obligated to obey us, and failing that, they are to be dismantled and removed from our shores.
No form of law recognized by the world community in any jurisdiction will abide by their continued false claims and fraud against the New Zealand Nation and People, including Noahide Laws and Sharia; Crimes Act 1900 pt 2, sect 11, 12 & 16; Crimes Act 1914-1973 Sect 15; Crimes Act 1914-1973 Sect 24F; Crimes Act 1914 Section 44 & Crime Act 1958 – Sect 9A Treason; Crimes Act 1958 Sect 354 (Vic) Indictments; Halsbury’s Laws of England, 2nd Edition, Vol 2 at Paragraph 480; Crime Act 1958 – Sect 9A Treason; Halsbury 3rd Edition, volume 36 para 559 pg 337; The Native Districts Regulations Act 1858; Pacific Islanders Protection Act, 1875 - Section 7; New Zealand Constitution Act 1947; Foreshore and Seabed Decision 19th June 2003, High Court of Appeal of New Zealand, Page 140 xx2 and Crimes Act 1961; 98. . Pursuant to the evidence that the accused have unlawfully disregarded IO Lore/Law, Common and International Law, Ancestral Tikanga, Kawa, Mortuary Law, He wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835, Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840, Te Ture Whenua Maori Maori Whenua Act 1993, Customary Lore/Law which cannot be denied as it is an integral part of Native and Tribal sovereignty. Accepted by Equitable Estoppel by Acquiescence;
This Mess was created by the Popes, the British Monarchs, and the Lord Mayor of London operating in collusion against their Employers, the American States, Corporations, Incorporations and People.
Nothing that the members of the New Zealand Parliament, Government, Judges, or their Executive Officer, Jacinda Ardern, may say or claim in any court or venue of law is to be taken as truth. No valid contract obligating this Nation or our people can be executed by the New Zealand Parliament or any corporate Municipal Officer. And no Municipal Officer has any authority to issue orders to the Unincorporated Suv'eran Government.
The sole administration of our Unincorporated Suv'eran Government is vested in our lawful Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our Crown Unincorporated Government is now in Session in Waitangi, and our Public & Private Unincorporated Laws are enforced. Our international constitution 'He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835', our treaty 'Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840', and Te Ture Whenua Mauri Mauri Whenua Taonga 2021, all three Constitutions are enforced.
Anyone who continues to do business with Jacinda Ardern, "acting as" the Prime Minister of New Zealand Corporation, however deceptively named to pretend an interest in this Nation or its people, has hereby been fully informed of the circumstance and proceeds at their own risk and without any liability or obligation on the part of The Crown of the Mauri Nation, our member Charters, or our suv'eran people.
We fully and clearly recognize the fraud and deception employed against us and against the living people of many countries worldwide; we have brought forth our charges of fraud and various sundry and terrible crimes against humanity including unlawful conversion, kidnapping, human trafficking, press-ganging, inland piracy, conspiracy against the Constitutions, collusion, identity theft, impersonation, barratry, deliberate mischaracterization of nationality, international and interstate bank fraud, evasion of Public Duties, evasion of The Constitution of the United States, racketeering, pillaging and plunder of public trusts, money laundering, constructive fraud for the purpose of unjust enrichment, commercial fraud for the purpose of unjust enrichment, extortion under armed force, breach of usufruct, criminal breach of commercial contract, subjecting New Zealanders to foreign law in express violation of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835, false entitlement and issuance of false titles on New Zealand assets, fraudulent conveyance of Municipal citizenship obligations on New Zealanders in violation of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835, use of undisclosed, unilateral, and unconscionable foreign contracting processes on New Zealand soil, breach of custodial obligations, promotion of unaccountable administrative government entities staffed by Undeclared Foreign Agents, and more.
All of these charges have been published and widely distributed to the public since 2011, and have cured upon the public records of multiple countries, such that there can be no further excuse for pretending that our Nation, our government, or our people are to blame for the sins and debts of HER MAJESTY QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION SEC CIK #0000216105 entity, otherwise known as "New Zealand Parliament Corporation".
The Pope and his administration, including the Holy Roman Empire and the City of Rome, is responsible for returning our property to us unharmed; the Queen and her Government is similarly obligated, as is the Government of Westminster and the Lord Mayor of London.
Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III,
Fiduciary The Crown of the Mauri Nation