Kaeo Office of Taitokerau corrects the record for Waitangi day
2nd February 2021
Kaiarataki o Te Wakameninga o nga Hapu o NgaPuhi Taumata hapu, Bryce Smith, from the Kaeo Office of Taitokerau, corrects the record for Waitangi day mentioning the will of Billy Te Kahikas’ motive in regards to the Māori culture and history.
In recent time, a matter has become something of concern in regards to the 1835 He Whakaputanga (Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand) document.
“[Billy Te Kahika] and the NZPP. If I can begin Whakaputanga and te Tiriti are currently in a judicial process with Ngāpuhi in regards to the Te Paparahi o Te Raki o 1040, and that’s in hand,” said Bryce Smith.
“If I can begin the relationship with [Mr Kahika], it came about when he was invited to the Kaeo office to discuss his intentions in regards to taking He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti to Parliament with his political party. He attended a hui in Kaeo, and we sent him a very clear message that he was not to do that anymore.”
“On the afternoon before that, the day had ended, [Mr Kahika] put up a live stream advocating that he had gotten the consent from the Kaeo office to represent Ngāpuhi in regards to He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti. I just want to put the record straight right here, and now, the Kaeo office did not do that [neither did Bryce Smith]. From that day on, we’ve had nothing but grief from this individual.”
Members of the NZPP and the behaviours in-spending of political party funding are not Bryce Smith’s video message’s intentions. The intention is to discuss his ‘disrespect’ of the use of He Whakaputanga in the public arena.
It took the Ngāpuhi fifteen years to sort matters out and conclude with. “Where was he [Mr Kahika] during that time. That is my question to you, Billy. Where were you, what makes it appropriate that you think know more about the document than the Ngāpuhi? What gives you the right to take this document out and advocate that it’s yours as a tool to use as for the people,” said Bryce Smith.
“You disrespected my father. You disrespected the elders that carried that document and bought it out of the dark and into the future. You disrespected the tupuna that signed that document and basically if I can say, you are a disgrace to the Māori culture. You really are because of your behaviour and your attempt to use this document as a way to fleece money of good public people for your own pocket or your own use without accountability to those people.”
Mr Kahika was reportedly not allowed at Waitangi Marae due to a hui being held at the Copthorne (across from Waitangi Marae).
Bryce Smiths’ heart goes out to the family of Mr Kahika; wife, children and his father over recent behaviour.
“If there is any advice I’d like to give you [Mr Kahika], is this: stop now, fix the wrong. Heal the hurt that you have caused to a lot of people and that’s the first step to you recovering from all the hurt and damage that you have done around Taitokerau and around the [Northland],” said Bryce Smith.
“I want to assure you of one thing; we don’t want to do what we are going to have to do to you because of your arrogance and because of your colonised behaviour to our Māori culture. Unfortunately, you’ve suddenly become a very very minor small risk to us in the [Northland] progressing forward with the upcoming day that we enjoy called the sixth of February, the Treaty of Waitangi celebrations.”
“In conclusion, you are not a threat to anybody except yourself, alright. I want to say to you, fix the wrong that you have done. Call the investor your ripped off and tell him you are sorry. Ka pai, Kia ora tatou.”
Video Link: https://thisquality.com/kaeo-office-of-taitokerau-corrects-the-record-for-waitangi-day-video/