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Purple Thumb Community
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It is tika that we do not disclose any private information that is shared with us through our sites with third parties.
Full Closure
The Crown of the Mauri Nation is a administered by The Crown Foundation, Private Non-Government-Foundation, Tax-Exempt, Not-for-Profit, Humanitarian, Philanthropic Community-Service.
The Purple Thumb Community is the Book of Life branch of the Crown of the Mauri Nation, administered by Tino Rangatiratanga Foundation, Private Non-Government-Foundation, Tax-Exempt, Not-for-Profit, Humanitarian, Philanthropic Community-Service.
Our Private Foundations are not registered with the fiction government system.
The Purple Thumb Community are administrators for live life claims, private foundations and charters. At no time do the Purple Thumb Administrator claim birth certificate bonds, birth rights, whakapapa or make land claims. It is the responsbility of the Live life claimants to annexure their whakapapa to their claims and set up their charters for their land claims.
The Purple Thumb Principals administer the sea lane for all Live Life Claimants who choose to use the sea land to return home to their lands, mana whenua.
It is the responsibility of the Live Life Claimants to request these services.
The Purple Thumb Principals do not claim copy-right of the Live Life Claims.
The Purple Thumb Principals do not claim control of the vessels.
The Crown of the Mauri Nation and the Purple Thumb Community use purple ink for all thumbprints and Crown Royal Seals.
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The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation is officially an independent sovereign nation, with sovereignty originally being recognised internationally and throughout the commonwealth nations, and in modern times by multiple nation's globally.
The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation originally existed in Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 Mandate, with a rich cultural history deeply rooted in Mana Motuhake (self-governance, self-determination) upheld by He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835 our enduring constitution, tikanga, kawa, customary native lands rights, sea travel, international trade and banking. Inspired by the past, committed to the present and hopeful for the future, The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation is reinvigorating, developing and sustaining the Mauri Nation founded on the customs, traditions, values of loyalty, honour and respect.
The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation’s vision is not simply for the benefit of The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation and her own sovereigns, Tangata Mauri, but also for the benefit of all other sovereign heirs, and for all of nature itself.
The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation has the capacity and willingness to provide support and protection to other sovereign heirs, while they work towards their own sovereignty at every level and become completely independent unto themselves.
"He honore mo Te Karauna Rangatiratanga o te Motu o Mauri ki te whakapuaki i enei korero ki a koe e pa ana ki te hitori, te tirohanga, te piripono me nga whainga. Rangatira Turikatuku III, e mihi ana ki a koe mo to whai whakaaro ki Te Karauna Rangatiratanga o te Motu o Mauri."
The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation hereby wishes to inform all interested parties of the following:
- In providing support from the Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation, the Sovereign Crown does not, under any circumstances, charge upfront fees or require any form of advance payment to join.
- Any individual or entity requesting payment in advance for initiating a relationship with the Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation should be regarded as an imposter and not a legitimate representative.
- The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation does not expect any compensation from any nation that chooses to receive support funding. It does not require collateral of any kind for funding received, including sovereign or state guarantees, pledges of in-ground assets, repayment terms for grants, or promises of political favours.
- The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation operates independently and is not governed, regulated, or controlled by the Government of New Zealand or any global financial institution.
- All koha (gifts or contributions) received for services such as Live Life Claims, Private Services and Native Earth Claims are allocated solely by the Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation and its associated Sovereign Entities to maintain sovereign services.
- Additionally, the Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation does not permit any intermediary fees or commissions to be deducted from the principal to any government.
"Ko te karauna o te iwi o te mauri ka whakahaere motuhake, kaore ano hoki e whakahaere, e whakahaerehia ana ranei e te Kawanatanga o Nui Tireni, te whakahaere ranei i tetahi umanga putea a te ao."
All countries are regarded as sovereign nations or kingdoms and have an inherent right to self-governance, self-determination and self-reliance.
The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation has the right to hold and to protect our own sovereign customary native lands, sovereign territories, sovereign waka districts, laws, currency, de-centralised banks, charters, embassies, military, peace force, intelligence agencies, border security systems, international airports, ports, harbours and more.
The Sovereign Crown of the Mauri Nation has the right and responsibility to protect, preserve and enhance their culture, language, customs, law, art, science, medicine and technology etc.
"Ko te Karauna Rawa o te Mauri Mauri te mana me te kawenga ki te tiaki, ki te pupuri me te whakarei ake i o raatau ahurea, te reo, te ture, te mahi toi, te rongoa me te hangarau etc."
'"Kaore e taea e tetahi te mahi ki nga rangatira e rua nga rangatira"
No one can serve two masters - You either love one and hate the other
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