Corporate Queen & Living Mauri Queen
Dead Entity HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK#0000216105 was crowned by the Governor General with no mandate, no Constitution, no authority, no jurisdiction, no source of power, no royal accent; no head of power, no legal basis, no letters patent. Governor General and friends are committing High Treason.
The Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of the Queen (Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). British Law, being the Act of Settlement 1701 UK, paragraph 7, stipulates that the Queen of the United Kingdom is the Queen of the United Kingdom ONLY and cannot take her Sovereignty outside the dominions of England, Scotland or Ireland without the consent of the Parliament, which was specifically denied, statute barring the Monarchs from extending or construing to extend their sovereignty into the Australasian colonies and Pacific Islands (Including Aotearoha[New Zealand]).
This Act has never been repealed. This confirms the Queen CANNOT, under any law, be the Queen of New Zealand or anywhere else in the world, other than England, Scotland and or Ireland. Under British Law if she is the Queen of anywhere else she is committing an act of treason against the British people, and is assuming the role of an Absolute Monarch by usurping the authority of the Parliament of the United Kingdom to which the Monarch has been subjective since the time Charles I lost his head in 1649.
(2) Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III (Living Woman)
Living woman, Private (UNINCORPORATED), mandated by the Crown of the Mauri Nation Chief Royal Order 6th January 2021; has He Wakaputanga o te Rangatira o Nu Tireni 1820-1835 in perpetuity Internationally recognised Constitution; has full power and authority as qualified in Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 as Crown of the Mauri Nation and the fact that no-one rebutted the Royal Decree Proclamation Judgment 13th November 2020; full jurisdiction of Aoteraoha as no one challenged the land claim to Aotearoha/Aotearoa/Nu Tireni/land mass of New Zealand & Rangihou; full power and authority descending from King Hongi Hika & Queen Turikatuku II 13 November 1820; Crown Royal Accent 8th January 2021; Crowned Tumuaki in private sacred Infinity Ceremony at Rangihou; ordained in Letters Patent 18th January 2021 as whakaruru (protector) the mana whenua/lands and assets of all mana tangata.
The Crown of the Mauri Nation consists of Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III of Aotearoha (earth of love)/Aotearoa/Nu Tireni/land mass of New Zealand & Rangihou. Divine Law, being the Settlement 2021 Aotearoha stipulates that Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III is the Crown of Aotearoha (earth of love)/Aotearoa/Nu Tireni/land mass of New Zealand & Rangihou ONLY.
The Settlement 2021 Aotearoha Act has not been challenged or repealed. This confirms the Tumuaki assumed the role of an Absolute Monarch by usurping the authority of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK#0000216105, New Zealand Parliament & Government.